In an act of homage open to the public that will take place in the Llotja de Palma this afternoon from 7 p.m., the president of the Government, Margalida Prohens, will receive the world champions of the Spanish women’s national soccer team

The president of the Government, Margalida Prohens, and the main authorities of the Balearic Islands will receive the world champions with the Spanish women’s national soccer team, among which are the Mallorcan players Cata Coll and Mariona Caldenteny, in an event to be held at the Llotja de Palma from 7 p.m. and which will be open to the public.

federación femenina española fútbol mundial

Photo: Selección española femenina de fútbol.

The Spanish women’s national soccer team continues celebrating their triumph as world champions and arrived today in Palma, after passing through Madrid, where they were received by the President of the Government in office, Pedro Sánchez, and by more than 20,000 people who gathered at the Puente del Rey, Madrid Rio. Then they traveled to Eivissa, where they have also shown and shared the World Cup with fans and authorities of the island, and have taken the opportunity to enjoy a few days of rest. Eivissa is the destination where they initially prepared for the women’s World Cup, which they subsequently won.

Upon their arrival in Palma, the president of the Govern, Margalida Prohens, will receive the world champions at today’s event at the Llotja accompanied by representatives of the main authorities of the island, such as the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés; the mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez; the councilor of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Jaume Bauzà; the mayor of Marratxí, Jaume Llompart, and the president of the Football Federation of the Balearic Islands, Pep Sansó, among others.

The world champions, Gold Medal for Sporting Merit

The women’s national soccer team will receive the Gold Medal for Sporting Merit after winning the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand. This was announced by the President of the Government in functions, Pedro Sánchez, in the reception to the world champions that took place this week in Moncloa.

Also, Marratxí has proposed to name the soccer player Cata Coll as the first ‘Hija Predilecta’ (Favorite Daughter) of the municipality and has initiated the procedures to request the Consell de Mallorca the medal of Honor and Gratitude of the island for the native of Pòrtol.