Mallorca Global Mag primavera - verano 2024

The spring – summer 2024 edition of Mallorca Global Mag hits the streets with high-quality, up-to-date content that captivates readers, along with opinions from top columnists on noteworthy issues. The commander of the Western Mediterranean Air Surveillance Squadron, María Cruz Acero, the first woman in Spain to reach this position, explains in Primer Plano how the western Mediterranean airspace is monitored from the “Bola” of Puig Major so that we can feel “completely” safe.

The sentinel of the Balearic sky is followed by one considered a luminary in cardiovascular surgery: Doctor Oriol Bonnín. With more than thirty years of experience and numerous recognitions, the surgeon who once operated on Johan Cruyff and started the public cardiac surgery service in the Balearic Islands discusses the evolution of treatments and expresses optimism about advances that, in his opinion, could make artificial heart systems possible.

Meanwhile, the singer Chenoa gives an exclusive interview to Mallorca Global Mag, reflecting on her time on OT 2023 and her current situation after having overcome “very tough times.” Mallorca “means everything” to her, she states.

From across the Atlantic, the technologist Joan Francesc Muñoz, a member of the respected Jet Propulsion Laboratory, owned by NASA, describes the most dangerous objects around us and how he predicts droughts, floods, and rising temperatures will affect the Balearic Islands in the coming years.

The future of architecture is another topic covered by Mallorca Global Mag, which talks with architect Jaume Luis Salas about biopassive homes and sustainable buildings. Also focusing on environmental issues, the magazine highlights the invasive species that threaten the island’s native fauna and the trade in exotic species.

The world’s greatest fortunes in the world, Spain, and the Balearic Islands, with Bernard Arnault, Amancio Ortega, and Miguel Fluxá at the forefront, respectively, are the focus of the economic section. Later, in Gastronomy, the magazine revives 168 recipes from 18th-century Mallorcan cuisine and analyzes the European food strategy in the face of climate change with nutritionist Andreu Palou, in addition to featuring the traditional wine selection and restaurant guide.

The pages of Style recount how Mallorca has become the epicenter of swimwear fashion. The postcard beaches and Mediterranean essence are a magnet for numerous brands to come here and photograph their models. Continuing with trends, Mallorca Global Mag presents a unique selection of items for women, men, and children.

Before revealing the names of the Mallorcan athletes with tickets to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and the intricacies of the ATP 250 Mallorca Championship in Calvià, the only grass court tournament held in southern Europe, the publication shares with readers the keys to healthy travel abroad and warns of the major risks.
Mallorca Global Mag Primavera - verano 2024

Culture, a Key Element

Culture remains one of the great hallmarks of Mallorca Global Mag, which hits the newsstands with a feature on the street artist Soma, whose works are in constant dialogue with the inhabitants of Ciutat; an interview with the singer and songwriter Maria Hein, discussing the growing interest of the national audience in music in Catalan; the success of Mallorcan producer Miguel Ruz on Netflix, and the new comic by Mallorcan artist Pau Rodríguez about the Spanish Civil War and World War II: Las cinco banderas. Not forgetting the tribute Catalina Forteza pays to her father, Xesc Forteza, on the 25th anniversary of his passing.
A comprehensive selection of books, albums, movies, art exhibitions, plays, and shows completes the cultural content of Mallorca Global Mag, which also includes an extensive agenda with the most notable events until October and the main fairs and festivals to explore the heart of Mallorca.

Mallorca 360º

The sections Gente Global and Voces are followed in this eleventh edition, for the first time, by Mallorca es Global, which brings Mallorcan talent, products, and heritage traveling around the world.
La Tercera by Camilo José Cela Conde; Zoomers & Boomers by Eduardo Jordá: Mental health is not what it used to be by Margalida Gili; True Progressivism by Carlos García-Delgado; Conjugating in Future by Antoni Riera and When Cabrera was inhabited by “depraved and perverse” monks by Bartomeu Bestard, along with the editorial Happy encounter with Mallorca Global Mag by José Eduardo Iglesias, the magazine’s director, put the finishing touch to this new issue, which is now available at newsstands.