Water reserves in the Balearic Islands stood at 48% in October, two points higher than the previous month and one point more than in October last year. By islands, the percentage of reserves increased in Eivissa, which went from 47% to 49%, and in Menorca, which went from 49% to 54%. In Formentera, it fell from 57% to 51% and in Mallorca it remained at 46%.

As for the Demand Units (DU), all are in a pre-alert scenario, since the only one that was not, the DU Tramuntana Sur, is now in a pre-alert scenario.

With regard to information from the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the data indicate that October has been a normal month in the Balearic Islands as a whole, with a record of 62.8 l/m2 compared to the historical average of 76 l/m2. By islands, Menorca was a wet month with 102.4 l/m2, when the historical average is 69 l/m2. In the rest of the islands, October was dry, since in Mallorca it rained 59.8 l/m2 when the historical average is 80 l/m2; in Eivissa it was 46.2 l/m2 while the historical average is 63.3 l/m2 and in Formentera it rained 31.1 l/m2 compared to an average of 44.9 l/m2.

In Mallorca and Menorca rainfall has been very uneven. The percentage of interannual precipitation in the Balearic Islands is 9% higher than the historical average. Menorca is 36% above the average, as are the Pitiusas, which are 27% above. In Mallorca, on the other hand, rainfall has been 4% above the historical average. In terms of temperatures, it has been an extremely warm month.

prealerta seguía mallorca