International Museum Day 2024 will be celebrated on Saturday 18th May, and more than a dozen exhibition spaces in Mallorca are joining the event with a full and varied programme of activities. Under the slogan “Museums for education and research”, established by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), among other activities, open days, guided tours, concerts and workshops will be offered so that citizens of all ages can enjoy and learn.
International Museum Day has been celebrated since 1977 and is gaining in popularity every year. It is an opportunity to promote the role of museums in society, highlight their importance as cultural institutions and encourage interest in cultural heritage and historic preservation.
Programme of activities for International Museum Day 2024
*Museu de Mallorca
Calle de la Portella, 5. Palma.
Wednesday 15th May
- 12 h: Guided tour Els peus vestits.
- 17 h: Guided tour El museu amagat.
Thursday 16th May
- 17 h: Guided tour El museu amagat.
- Award ceremony for the merit for the protection of cultural heritage granted by the ARCA association.
Saturday 18th May
- Open day.
*Museu Marítim de Mallorca
During this week at the Centro Cultural la Misericòrdia in Palma:
- Conference Explorando el patrimonio alimentario marítimo desde una perspectiva antropológica by Diana Borràs and Margalida Mulet, on the second floor..
- Exhibition De la mar a la taula.
Saturday 18th May
- 10:30 h: Visit to the Sa Creu lighthouse in Port de Sóller. Registration required at 971632204.
- 11 h: Children’s workshops at the Museu de la Mar in Port de Sóller.
*Fundación Mallorca Literaria
Thursday 16th May
- Activity Illa dels tresors a l’aula: comença el lloc! at CEIP Camilo José Cela in Palma.
Friday 17th May
- Concert by Pau Alabajos in Campos.
Saturday 18th May, at Casa Llorenç Villaronga in Binissalem:
- 11 h: Family show Les contadores.
- 12 h: Presentations by Clara Fontanet, Llorenç Romera y Sebastià Alzamora.
- 13 h: Concert by Pau Alabajos.
*Es Baluard Museu
Plaça de la Porta de Santa Catalina, 10. Palma.
Friday 17th May
- 19 h: Screening of El Museo invisible by Tània and Ona Balló.
Saturday 18th May
- From 10 to 20 h: Open day.
- From 10:30 to 13:30 h: L’art en mans dels infants (For families with children up to 6 years old).
- 10:30 y 12:15 h: L’art de l’escolta (For families with children up to 7 years old).
All activities are free of charge. For further information click here.
*Museo Histórico Militar de San Carlos
Castillo de San Carlos. Ctra. Dique del Oeste s/n. Palma.
Saturday 18th May
- From 10 to 13:30 h:
- Free visit to the museum.
- Guided tours, meeting point at the entrance to Room 8.
- Living museum: historical re-enactment groups, period military vehicles and more.
- Meeting of embroiderers and lacemakers.
- Virtual reality stations at the Castillo.
- Children’s activities: face painting and miniature painting workshop.
- From 17 h: picnic area and cafeteria service with musical entertainment (cafeteria open from 10:00 to 17:30 h).
Plaça de Weyler, 3. Palma.
Saturday 18th May
- From 10 to 21 h:
- Exhibition Tatoo. Arte bajo la piel
- 12 h: Family visit-workshop in Catalan La familia que tatúa unida… (sold out).
- 18 h: Guided tour in Catalan (sold out).
- Exhibition El jardín de Anglada-Camarasa.
- Exhibition Tatoo. Arte bajo la piel
- 11 h: Singing and body percussion workshop Voces y ritmos de oriente. Activity recommended for families with children between 6 and 12 years old. Duration: 1 hour.
- 19 h: Concert by Dan Roth & Friends Guitar Trio (sold out).
Activities are free with prior reservation. More information here.
*Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró
Carrer de Saridakis, 29. Palma.
Friday 17th May
- 18:00 h Guided tour of the exhibition Miró, 1983 by the curator Enrique Juncosa.
- 19:00 h Lecture by Maria-Josep Balsach.
- 20:00 h Cocktail in the gardens of the Fundación.
Saturday 18th May
- 10:30 h Lecture by Élisa Sclaunick.
- 11:30 h Coffee break.
- 12:00 h Lecture by Emmanuel Guigon.
- 13:00 h Round table.
- 14:00 h Closing of the symposium.
Registration is compulsory for the lectures. Limited capacity. More information here.
*Museu d’Art Sacre de Mallorca
Carrer del Mirador, 5. Palma.
Wednesday 15th May
- 19h: Conference La imatgeria gòtica d’iconografia cristològica: el Crucificat dolorós i el Betlem. Origen, desenvolupament i transcendència a Mallorca by Dra. M. Magdalena Cerdà Garriga.
Saturday 18th May
- 10 a 14:15 h: Open day.
- 11 h: Family activity On s’amaguen els animals del MASM? Registration is required here.
*Ca n’Alcover
Carrer de Sant Alonso, 24. Palma.
Saturday 18th May
- 11:30 h: Guided tour of the house of the poet Joan Alcover.
- 19 h: Guided tour of the house of the poet Joan Alcover.

SimfoVents. Foto: Ajuntament de Palma.
*Can Balaguer
Carrer de la Unió, 3. Palma.
Friday 17th May
- 19 h: Extraordinary concert Dia Internacional dels Museus a cargo de SimfoVents Palma by SimfoVents Palma conducted by Francisco Valero-Terribas.
Free admission with limited capacity.
*Museu del Calçat i de la Indústria d’Inca
Avinguda del General Luque, 223. Inca.
Wednesday 15th May
- Start of the Converses al Museu programme. The first activity of this cycle will be dedicated to the Can Melis archive.
Inauguration of the new Coffee Corner.
Saturday 18th May
- Big family party with the visit of the Gegants d’Inca and a series of workshops and games with recycled materials.
Tuesday 21st May
- Round table on the decolonial and gender perspective in the museum field.
Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th May
- Open day and inauguration of the new Espai de Recerca i Conservació.
*Museu d’Història de Manacor
Plaça del Convent, s/n. Manacor
Saturday 18th May
- 10:00 h: Guided tour of the Molí d’en Fraret under the title Les feines de fora vila amb ulls de dona, by Margalida Ballester.
- 17:30 h: Start of Les especialistes contesten, with the archaeologist Nina Laming, who will talk about Què ens conten les pedres, and Antònia Juan, doctor in Art History, who will talk about Creus i capelles: la devoció popular medieval expressada en pedra.
- 19:00 h: Una mirada diferent, where different members of the Amics del Museu will explain a special piece for them from each room of the Museum, with pieces usually kept in the storerooms.
Sunday 19th May
- 11:00 h: Guided tour of the Museu d’Història de Manacor in Arabic.
Thursday 23rd May
- 19:00 h: Conference El descobriment d’un taller ceràmic a Manacor. Les figures de les verges rosses de la col-lecció Domènech – Vázquez, by the researcher Elvira González.
*Museu de Pollença
Carrer Pere Josep Cànaves Salas s/n. Pollença.
Saturday 18th May
- 18 and 19:30 h: Microtheater Misteri al Museu, a play written and directed by Francesca Palou with the group TeatrEROS.
Sunday 19th May
- 11 and 12:30 h: Microtheater Misteri al Museu.
Free tickets here.
*Museu Arqueològic de Son Fornés
Carrer d’Emili Pou. Montuïri.
Sunday 19th May
- 10 to 14 h: Open day.
- 11 h: Theatre-clown La Deixalleria: obrador de juguetes by the company Té a tres.
*MUCBO Jardí Botànic de Sóller-Museu Balear de Ciències Naturals
Ctra. Palma – Port de Sóller km 30,5. Sóller.
Saturday 18th May
- From 10 to 13 h: Citizen science activity La fauna del jardí.
- 10 h: Presentation of the work Brunziments. Guia sonora dels pol·linitzadors de les Balears by Jaume Reus and Laia Malo.
- 10:45 h: Bioblitz to discover the fauna that lives among the plants of the Botanic Garden. Free activity, without prior registration.
*Museu de Porreres
Carrer d’Agustí Font, Prevere, 23. Porreres.
Saturday 18th May
- 11 h: Family activity Sóc Salvador Dalí.
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