The Fira de s’Oliva of Caimari 2022 takes place this weekend. On the 19th and 20th of November, the celebration reaches its 25th anniversary boasting olive groves and tradition in the production of olive oil. A fair that brings together the best of the sector of this highly prized product at the foot of the Serra de Tramuntana. Olives of different flavours and aromas, cakes, bread and even handmade articles made from olive wood are some of the main attractions of the Fira de s’Oliva of Caimari.

Fira de s’Oliva of Caimari programme

On Saturday, 19th November at 10:00 am, the fira begins with the opening to the public of the Tafona-Museum of Sa Tafona de Caimari and the old Trencadora d’Ametlles de Ca na Bielona. The tasting and sale of olives and all kinds of virgin olive oil from local producers begins. At 11:00, children can ride ponies from the Inmaculada Concepción church.

The Fira de s’Oliva of Caimari 2022 continues at 15:00 with a herding dog competition and the official inauguration of this 25th edition at 16:00. It will be attended by the authorities of the municipality and xeremiers. A parade will enliven the fair at 17:30 and, one hour later, it will end in the Plaza Mayor with a popular dance. At 20:00, there will be a folklore show in the same square.

On the second day of the Fira, Sunday 20th, the activity returns to the streets of the town from 10:00. Half an hour later there will be a display of craft trades in the Plaza Mayor and several performances that will liven up the morning for locals and visitors. At 12:30, there will be an equestrian show, and at 18:00, the XXV Fira de s’Oliva of Caimari 2022 will come to a close in the Plaça Major with a musical performance by the Galivança group. The last activity will take place at 19:00 in the form of a parade with xeremiers.