The Government has approved the Es Trenc Uses Management Plan. According to the plan, a study of the carrying capacity will quantify the pressure that can be assumed by the Parc and will balance the ecological balances

This Monday, the Consell de Govern approved the Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos Uses Management Plan (PORN). This is the second largest wetland area in Mallorca.

Accordingly it provides for a study of the carrying capacity, which must be drawn up within a maximum of three years from the approval of the Management Plan. This document must take particular account of the assessment of the state of conservation of the beaches and coastline. It must be updated every ten years, taking into account coastal dynamics and in accordance with the useful surface area of the beach.

Additionally it prohibits the removal of posidonia in areas in regression and the development of new tourist establishments in the area.

Es Trenc Govern de les Illes Balears

Map of Es Trenc Natural Park. Photo: Govern de les Illes Balears.

Another of the Plan’s objectives is to promote and regulate public use and environmental interpretation activities. That contribute to a better knowledge, dissemination and valuation of the protected area.

Actions within the PORN

According to the Government, the actions planned to achieve these goals include:

  • The repopulation of the dune system with autochthonous vegetation. Also its geomorphological reconstruction to slow down its erosive process and recover the ecological functionality of this habitat.
  • Likewise,  posidonia will be kept in the sand all year round on the receding beaches of the Parc and es Freus de ses Covetes.

On the other hand, the Management Plan aims to maintain traditional economic activities such as the salt industry. It should be noted that es Salobrar and ses Salines de s’Avall are two wetlands of great importance as a habitat for aquatic birds.

Along these lines, and in order to promote sustainable tourism that respects the conservation of the park, the creation of new tourist accommodation, new tourist facilities or the extension of existing ones and any increase in tourist services are prohibited.

Scope of the Es Trenc Management Plan

Basically the territorial scope of the PORN comprises 3,780.29 hectares that form part of the Natural Park, of which 1,442 ha constitute the terrestrial area and 2,338.29 ha the marine area.

As a result, the Management Plan also includes – although without the category of natural park – the natural transition strip between the urban nucleus of ses Covetes and the park, the environmental restoration area of ses Covetes, the beach of es Freu. It includes the dune system and the escars catalogued as an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC) and the plots of land where the old Ca n’Estela school and the road workers’ hut are located.