The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Jaume Bauzà, has unraveled the future Tourism Law that the Govern will approve before the summer of 2024 and has announced a change of name of the decree of Tourism of Excesses that has described as a “failure”

According to Jaume Bauzà, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, in an appearance at the Tourism Commission of the Parliament, the Government will promote strong measures to tackle uncivic behavior as the decree of excess tourism “is a failure” and promotes “a negative vision” of tourism, so it considers that it has not fulfilled its objective. Therefore, he announced that this will be renamed Responsible Tourism Decree in order not to negatively affect tourism, he said.

On the other hand, during his appearance Bauzà has criticized that the increase of tourist places in the last eight years has been 114,902 of which 92,664 belong to the sector of the rental of holiday homes. An increase that represents 25% of the total and has been described as “the most significant in the history of tourism in the Balearic Islands”. According to the Minister of Tourism, this increase of vacancies has been the cause of a saturation situation in the islands “at certain times, places and circumstances”, he specified.

In spite of this, Bauzà has called to stop talking about “tourist overcrowding” since, as he has exemplified, in Montuïri, Muro, Felanitx or Campos such saturation does not exist, he assures.

Jaume Bauzà conseller Turismo

The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports during his intervention in the Parliament in which he has exposed the key points of the future new tourism law. Photo: Govern.