COVID had to arrive for us to seriously rethink how we want to live our lives. Certainly not like so far. In opposition to the urgent and the instantaneous, we now claim calm and simplicity; the importance of small pleasures, of the natural rhythm of things. A slowed down life, focused on the present and emancipated from the dictatorship of the rush. The slow living phenomenon has fully impacted our hard core to blow up the frenetic pace we were used to.
Text: Virginia Servera
«Our culture instills in us the fear of wasting time, but the paradox is that acceleration makes us waste our lives»
Carl Honoré
1 Home, a refuge where you can feel yourself
In the midst of so much uncertainty, the adequacy of the home to our needs is essential to generate an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. The characteristic Mediterranean colors such as white, beige, earth and blues and greens in their softest tonality; natural materials and vegetation bring serenity and freshness to the environments. Getting rid of furniture that we do not use and integrating handcrafted pieces also contributes to creating harmonious spaces that encourage relaxed conversation and reflection.

Photo: Talenti.
2 The pleasure for eating well and consciously
Not only a healthy diet improves our well-being. To enjoy a satisfying and full experience, we must become aware of the proper act of feeding ourselves: aromas, textures, colors… It all adds up. Also the rate at which we do it. Slow food claims to eat with care, putting in value the quality of what we eat. The Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, meat and fish makes it easy for us, especially if we opt for organic food and local and seasonal produce.

Photo: Mercat de l’Olivar.
3 Travel at a more human pace
The full schedule, also when traveling, loses strength in favor of a more natural concept of tourism, which avoids schedules and crowds. Observing the surroundings, witnessing a beautiful sunset or simply tasting a traditional meal are plans that are already prioritized by new travelers, with greater interest and respect for virgin landscapes, genuine products or local customs. In an increasingly global world, some destinations like Mallorca offer these oases of authenticity.

Photo: Jaume Capellà (AETIB).
4 Connecting with the community enhances self-esteem
Valuing and fostering human relationships is one of the pillars of the slow living philosophy, which advocates communication and listening. We are not talking about complying with social commitments, but rather about establishing ties with the community, fostering moments of encounter and favoring the care of people. Some activities such as volunteering or team sports help us to develop the feeling of belonging to a group which, in turn, has a positive impact on self-esteem.

Photo: Save The Med.
5 Saying ‘enough!’ to compulsive use of technology
65% of Spaniards feel anxious about having low battery in their mobile, which raises again the question of whether technology liberates or enslaves us. Technology? Yes, of course, but as long as it contributes to a more complete life. The current challenge is to escape its clutches by re-educating ourselves in our habits, like someone who decides to replace their diet with a healthier one. Digital disconnection improves mental health and quality of sleep and allows us to dedicate time to things that bring us greater satisfaction.

Photo: Josh Power (Unsplash).
6 Balance between desire and duty; a good start to order
Order in food, rest time and emotions. Also at work, at home or in the car. The order, not only of an aesthetic nature, leads to balance and encourages us to discover our own rhythm, moving away from stress. “One thing after another” is a mantra to apply in any sphere of our life. For this it is essential a planning that takes into account our interests and hobbies and the possibility of saying ‘no’ to dispensable obligations that subject us to the tyranny of the clock.
7 Take a deep breath, the easiest way to be
How many times have you found yourself doing a task with your head elsewhere? Reaching a state of mindfulness is not easy, but there are techniques to focus on the ‘here and now’ that improve the relationship with our body and our thoughts. Mindfulness, for example, invites us to live in the present awake and with acceptance, while yoga and other forms of meditation also relax our body and mind. Reserve a space for yourself, take a deep breath and experience how everything flows around you.

Photo: Holi Yoga.
8 Stay with what is necessary and authentic
Identifying what truly makes us happy pushes us to consume in a more responsible way. Slow shopping proposes a new way of shopping, more leisurely and studied, focused on the origin of the product, its quality and impact on the environment. In this sense, consumption in local shops contributes to revitalizing the economic fabric of our environment, as does shopping in traditional markets. Some of the most popular in Mallorca are those in Sineu, Santanyí or Santa Maria.

Photo: Gary Butterfield (Unsplash).
9 Synchronization with nature
The hustle and bustle in which we are immersed often makes our pulse race and prevent us from appreciating the nuances and majesty of nature, which gives us moments of happiness. Pausing along the way to enjoy the silence and our breathing is the first step towards a more peaceful life connected with nature, the key to maintaining a good state of mind. Mallorca’s iconic Serra de Tramuntana has the best conditions to slow down.

Photo: Alejandro Sánchez.
10 Sustainable mobility to live better
The alarm clock goes off 30 minutes earlier than usual. You take a shower, have a leisurely breakfast and get ready to walk. When not, you get on the bike, the electric skateboard or the bus. 15 minutes later you are at work. The rush and traffic have not affected your mood and you feel full energy to face the day. Sounds good, right? The reality is that sustainable mobility, in addition to reducing pollution, reduces stress and represents financial savings.

Photo: Mateu Bennàssar (AETIB).
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