The interurban public transport network TIB in Mallorca registered during the first quarter of this year an increase of more than 1.9 million passengers compared to the same period in 2023, thus exceeding 6.5 million users, according to data provided by the Consorcio de Transportes de Mallorca (CTM). It should be noted that the TIB network connects the different municipalities and areas of the island with a total of 71 bus lines.

The TIB network will incorporate 10 new natural gas buses. Photo: Govern de les Illes Balears.

These figures represent a 42 percent increase in demand for this service compared to the first quarter of 2023, when the free public transport in Mallorca was already in place, according to the Conselleria de Vivienda, Territorio y Movilidad del Govern de las Illes Balears.

In its strong commitment to sustainability, the CTM plans to incorporate ten new compressed natural gas buses into the service in the coming weeks, increasing the current fleet of 201 such buses, to which the 18 electric propulsion buses are added.

Reinforcement measures for the summer

To cope with the summer demand, reinforcement measures have been adopted, mainly to increase frequencies on the lines with the highest number of users. In this regard, frequencies have been increased on a total of 24 bus lines, resuming service on sixteen lines and incorporating a new line (131) in the Serra de Tramuntana, between Santa Ponça, Banyalbufar and La Granja de Esporles.

  • Costa de la Calma almost doubles its connectivity with Palma and Santa Ponça, with a new frequency of 25 minutes.
  • Palmanova-Magaluf (104) is better connected, with services every 15 minutes per direction.
  • Can Picafort-Palma (302) increases the frequency to one bus every twenty minutes during peak hours. Extension of service until 0.10 a.m. to ensure the return home of hospitality and catering workers.
  • Cala Sant Vicenç (321) advances the daily start of service to 7.10 a.m.
  • Alcúdia-Can Picafort (324) has strengthened the service in the last hour of the day, extending the service until past midnight. Stable frequency of 12-13 minutes.
  • Cales de Mallorca (416) has increased the service by 50% since the end of March.
  • Campos-Palma (501) incorporates express services throughout the day.
  • Aerotib lines that connect to Palma airport (A32, A42) have increased their service by 10% compared to the summer of 2023.