The piece Via crucis was previously performed on the steps of La Seu, and now it will be performed in the Ses Voltes theatre in Palma

Palma City Hall is preparing the performance of the traditional Stations of the Cross, which will take place on Good Friday at 12 noon. The performance used to take place on the steps of La Seu, and now it will be staged at Ses Voltes.

The company staging the text, written in 1961 by Llorenç Moyà, is Taula Rodona Teatre, directed by Bernat Pujol. The play presents one of the most renowned texts by the Binissalem-born author, whose “L’adoració dels reis” (The Adoration of the Kings) is also traditionally performed on the 6th of January. Small changes have been made to the performance, but “what really influences these changes is the significant degree of improvisation at the time”, according to the director of Taula Rodona Teatre, Bernat Pujol.

The 18 actors will leave the Plaça de Cort at midday and travel to Ses Voltes, where the performance will take place in front of hundreds of people.via crucis 2023

This year, Àngel Colomer will play the role of Christ, while the Virgin Mary will be played by actress Ana Garcia. Verònica will be played by Xisca Alcornocal, while Sara Mingolla will be the Cirineo. The soldiers will be David Martín and Toni Borràs, while the thieves will be Eric Mascaró Lladre and Rafel Pizarro. The cast is completed by Carles Expósito, Àngel Mascaró, Aina Segura Dona Margalida Bibiloni, Carme Feliu, Isabel María Monterde, Margalida Coll, Clara Pascual, Aina Borràs and Alba Pascual.

The event will be presented by Pujol, who is also in charge of the stage design, and Catalina Sureda, Maria Magdalena Aguiló, Pep Banyo and Miquel Garau will act as readers. The music will be provided by Jaume Salom, Teresa Gil and Carlos Gil.

Llorenç Moyà i Gilabert de la Portella

Moyà was born in Binissalem in 1916 and died in 1981 in Palma. A graduate in Law, he was a poet, playwright and storyteller. Professionally, he worked in the public administration. He won the Ciutat de Palma prize with ‘”El fogó dels jueus”, and he cultivated traditional Mallorcan theatre, of which this Via crucis is a sample, along with the traditional “L’adoració dels reis”, which the troupe performs on the 6th of January in Ses Voltes. Llorenç Moyà also wrote narrative, the most outstanding of which is “A Robines també plou”, a vision of his hometown that has a marked influence of Cela and Villalonga.