As part of the remodelling work being carried out on the Paseo Marítimo, which will affect 3.5 kilometres of the promenade and a total of 183,670 m², this week saw the gradual removal of the 1,000 parking spaces on the Paseo Marítimo, where fences announcing the parking ban have already been put up. This macro-project, which will take 20 months and cost 38 million euros (excluding VAT), aims to increase the space for pedestrians, incorporate more trees and flowerbeds, improve communications with adjacent neighbourhoods, children’s play areas and widen the pavements.

Foto: APB.
Alternative car park on Paseo Marítimo
Ports de Balears (APB) has opened the Golondrinas quay car park to the public, with capacity for 80 vehicles, to compensate for the elimination of parking on the Paseo Marítimo. In addition to this space, there is also a site that Cort has set aside as a temporary park-and-ride lot in calle Federico García Lorca, which can hold up to 150 vehicles.
In the first quarter of 2023, an alternative car park is also expected to open to the public on a 30,000 m² site, which is located near CLH and has a capacity for 800 parking spaces. Work is currently underway to install the water collection network, lighting and paving, among other tasks. This car park will be connected to line 1 of the EMT, which will increase its frequency once it opens.
At the same time, between January and March, and while the western park-and-ride car park is being set up, the APB will maintain the parking areas in the median of the Paseo Marítimo located at Plaza Mediterráneo, Marina Puerto de Mallorca, Aigo Dolça and the Auditorium. Once the works have been completed, four Bicipalma stations will be installed.
The APB has set up a platform ( to keep users informed of all the actions of public interest that will be carried out. During practically all the works, four lanes of traffic (two in each direction) will be maintained along the entire route.
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