How many inhabitants does Palma have? The census of the Balearic capital has 423,350 inhabitants, 7,410 more than in 2022, according to data published in January 2024 by the National Statistics Institute (INE). These data refer to the population of Palma in 2023, according to the INE calendar.

This means that in the last year, the total population of Palma has experienced a growth of 1.78%, reaching 423,350 inhabitants. An increase that breaks with the trend of the previous two years, when the population experienced a fall with respect to the previous years. Before this decline, which coincided with the arrival of the COVID, the last time Palma lost population was in 2013, when it went from 407,648 to 398,162 inhabitants.

Population of Palma by sex

Of the total population of Palma, 51.19% are women (216,732), while 48.81% are men (206,618). In the archipelago as a whole, the population on 1 January 2023 stood at 1,197,261 inhabitants, 1.75 % more than in 2022.

Other Mallorcan municipalities that have experienced an increase in population are Calvià, with 1.34 % (53,162 inhabitants), and Manacor, with 2.23 % (46,395). Only Formentera, Puigpunyent and Valldemossa have experienced a slight decrease in population, with 247, 20 and 48 inhabitants less respectively.

habitantes Palma 2023 total población mallorca