Student Marty Mcfly is friends with a scientist who invented a car-shaped time machine. One day he goes in the car and travels to 1955, when his parents met. This is the story told in the movie “Back to the Future”, by Steven Spielberg. The film maker Marcos Cabotá (Palma, 1981), nominated for the Goya Awards on two occasions, lost count of the number of times he watched this film, but remembers the impact of the first time: “It was “Back to the Future”, that made me a fan of the silver screen. I was seven years old and I knew I wanted to do that kind of thing. It was something very conscious of me”.
Cabotá, who receives Mallorca Caprice in a room at Nova Producciones, where he edits “The Instant”, which will premiere in 2022, anticipates that it is a fictional film about the ties between two people. “It’s that fine line between friendship and falling in love. There is an instant in between. You are friends, but you are more than friends. You both know it, but you don’t act like one”, he explains.
Regarding the current situation of the sector in the Balearic Islands, he thinks that “there are few directors and many enthusiasts. I admire Toni Bestard, Agustí Villaronga and Daniel Monzón” and underlines “the quality of the sound engineers, producers and cinematographers”.
Throughout his career, Cabotá made documentaries as well as fiction. Part of the cultural production of the 70s and 80s gravitate to his work. The movie “Star Wars” and the music of Michael Jackson approached them from an original point of view. In 2016’s “I am your father”, he tells the story of David Prouse, the actor behind the mask of Darth Vader in the original trilogy. In “Sonic Fantasy”, released in 2021, he focuses on Bruce Swedien, the sound engineer who recorded “Thriller”, the best-selling album in history.
“I like to read the credits of the records. Bruce Swedien’s name was always repeated. I contacted him and went to shoot with him. He opened my mind, my sight and my ear to the work that he did, not only with Michael Jackson, but also with other huge artists. That man changed the way we listen to music”, considers Cabotá, who was formed in Los Angeles, at the Universal Studio, where “Back to the Future” was filmed.

Marcos Cabotá, on the Nova Producciones set. Photo: Pep Caparrós.
By: Juan Ignacio Orúe. Palma.
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