Two Palma policemen walk through the historic center of the city. Photo: Pixabay.
The Local Police of Palma will develop its usual Christmas campaign between December 9 and January 7 focused on controlling alcohol, on vehicular traffic and on avoiding crowds due to the health crisis.
The objective is to respond to the special needs of the Christmas holidays, where there is usually a considerable increase in commercial and leisure activity that has an impact on greater mobility that affects both traffic and public safety.
The service will be divided into two large areas of action: control and flow of traffic and public safety and agglomerations. Thus, there will be traffic control points at different strategic points in the city, which include cars, bicycles and scooters; Static citizen security control points, foot patrols and even the Mounted Police will participate.
The first deputy mayor of Citizen Security, Joana Adrover, has also said that the ordinary service, which varies according to the shift and the day, will be reinforced with up to 16 more police officers in the downtown area and there will be a special presence in commercial areas.
The Palma Local Police Christmas campaign will also focus mainly on ethylometry checks and speed controls on the afternoon and night shift.
Adrover recalled that in 2019 there were 4,590 traffic accidents and a total of 505 crimes against road safety. In 2020, the figures decrease due to the confinement derived from the state of alarm and 3,026 traffic accidents and 376 crimes against road safety were registered. In 2021, until October, there were 2,872 traffic accidents and 474 crimes against road safety.
This campaign will also focus on the control of agglomerations and will take into account the changing health regulations. “We are going to continue adapting, as we have done in the last two years to ensure the health of citizens,” said Adrover.
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