In 2022, the 3rd Serra de Tramuntana Gastronomy Week will be focusing on the value of seafaring culture and maritime-fishing heritage through gastronomy. From 21st to 27th November, this year’s programme includes numerous activities. From guided visits by the organisations Cayume and Save The Med on board the traditional llaut La Balear; workshops on making seafood products, such as the pickled fish workshop led by chef Maria Solivellas, from Can La Toneta, the fish canning workshop using smoking and drying techniques, led by chef Margalida Mulet, or the children’s workshop on stamping local fish with paint. There will also be lectures on the importance of fishing heritage in gastronomy, such as the one given by the Catalan Marina Monsonís, a food sovereignty activist and artist. The full programme can be consulted on the Tramuntana XXI website, where you can register free of charge for the different activities.

“The aim of the Serra de Tramuntana Gastronomic Week is to highlight the popular culture linked to food production and consumption through gastronomy,” explained Margalida Mulet, PhD in the Anthropology of Food and coordinator of the Gastronomic Week. “This year we have decided to focus on seafood culture and seafood products, because sometimes when we talk about local produce, fish comes second and we think of fruit, vegetables or livestock. We want to focus on seafaring and fishing culture, which is very important on an island.

The Gastronomic Week is organised by the Tramuntana XXI association, with the support of the Consell de Mallorca’s Department of Culture, Heritage and Linguistic Policy.

Semana Gastronomica Serra de Tramuntana