The rooftop terrace of the restaurant that collapsed last Thursday, May 23 in Platja de Palma had neither an activity license nor authorization to occupy the terrace, reports the Palma City Council. The causes of the collapse of the terrace itself were due to a combination of overweight from the construction work in the collapsed area, which also lacked a license, and the overload caused by a large influx of people, according to the Building Protection and Technical Building Inspection departments and the Fire Department.

These are some of the conclusions of the municipal technical reports presented by the mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez Llabrés, who announced that these reports have been sent to the National Police and will also be forwarded to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, in addition to the city council becoming a party in the case that may arise from judicial proceedings.

The Palma firefighters, during their intervention on May 24. Photo: José E. Iglesias.

Technical reports

Specifically, the report prepared by the Activities Department concludes that the basement had a license for a music bar, while the ground floor of the restaurant and the rooftop terrace had neither an activity license nor authorization to occupy the terrace. In turn, the report prepared by the Licensing Department states that there is no record of any construction permits in the collapsed area, whose overweight is one of the main causes of the incident. Finally, the Urban Discipline Department notes that the establishment has various records since 2013, but none refer to the collapsed area, and that there is also an unfavorable ITE (Technical Building Inspection).

The mayor has once again expressed his condolences and support from the City Council to the families of the four deceased and the injured. He reported that the City Council, through the Municipal Funeral Service, will cover the repatriation expenses for the two deceased Senegalese citizens. For the German victims, Cort is in constant contact with the embassy and consul to collaborate as needed. He also thanked the emergency teams, health workers, National and Local Police, and municipal technicians for their actions on the day of the incident.