The traditional Fira nocturna del tomate de Ramellet (Ramellet Tomato Night Fair) will be held in Maria de la Salut on Wednesday 9 August. As usual, the event, dedicated to the Ramellet tomato, a local Mallorcan tomato variety that is the result of the work of several generations of farmers, will feature a tomato threading exhibition, the sale of artisan products and, among other things, a 20-metre-long tomato threading event. In previous editions, neighbours will be able to see how the ramellet tomatoes are threaded (strung) to make the strings that make it possible to have this tasty snack all year round.

From 20:00, the town’s Plaça des Pou will be filled with stalls selling handmade products and others related to this prized product. Children will also be entertained in the streets, organised by the Maria de la Salut Town Council.

Characteristics of the Ramellet tomato

Ramellet tomatoes are characterised by their medium-small size and are gathered in branched bunches that can be hung, thus facilitating their long conservation. They are a Traditional Food of the Balearic Islands and have a low water content and high acidity. They are also rich in minerals (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P and Zn). An important characteristic is that they keep fresh for a long time, which means that they can be used all year round as an ingredient in one of the typical Balearic snacks, bread with oil. In this dish, the tomato is rubbed into the bread and then salt and oil are added. It is also used to make stir-fries, stews and vegetable “coques”. The ramellet tomato has a slightly acidic taste, so it is not usually used as an ingredient in salads.