The programmatic agreement reached by PP and Vox this morning states that Vox will be part of the administrative bodies of the City Council of Palma but will not have any council and will not be part of the municipal government team


PP of Palma has reached a programmatic agreement with Vox to govern the City Council of Palma according to which the ultra-right will not be part of the government team, but it will be part of different organs of the municipal administration. The signing took place this morning between the mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez, of the PP, and the councilor of Vox, Fulgencio Coll.

According to the communiqué sent by the formations “It is an agreement in which programmatic aspects that are common to both formations are reflected, but also those that constitute the signs of identity of the PP and Vox”.

Details of the agreement between PP and Vox in the Palma City Council

One of the important points of the agreement points out that Vox will be part of different municipal bodies. In this sense, the agreement announces that the municipal subcommittee of Budgetary Control will be reactivated, which will be chaired by a Vox councilor.

For its part, Vox is committed to give stability to the municipal government of the PP, with Jaime Martínez as mayor, “in all those actions and proposals that appear in the pact”. But it warns that they will not support issues that Martínez’s team wants to approve outside the signed agreement: “The actions by the municipal government that do not have to do with this agreement will not be subject to this commitment of stability and its support will depend on whether or not they respond to the spirit of the pact”.

According to the two parties, Palma is in a situation that needs to be changed urgently “after two terms of the nationalist left-wing pact”. They state that these changes concern above all security, the state of urban infrastructure, cleanliness, mobility “and many other issues that make life difficult for the people of Palma”. “We believe that the joint work between the two formations will strengthen this governance and bring about the changes demanded by the citizens of Palma,” the statement says.