Encarna Piñero, CEO and executive vice president of Grupo Piñero, a Spanish multinational company dedicated to the tourism sector and present throughout the value chain of the vacation industry for almost 50 years, has been selected for her career, strategic vision, capacity for innovation and transformational leadership as the winner of the Balearic Islands Territorial Management of the ‘CaixaBank 2022 Businesswoman Awards’, which recognize the talent and professional excellence of businesswomen in Spain; and promote networking among leading businesswomen in the world.

According to Encarna Piñero, this recognition is “another boost to continue to evolve and give continuity to my father’s legacy. I work every day to make it grow and share it with my family and the 14,000 professionals that make up Grupo Piñero, being faithful to the values and lessons that my parents passed on to me, and which I intend to pass on in my personal, family and business environment: passion and excellence to continue building the tourism sector.”

María Cruz Rivera, territorial director of CaixaBank in the Balearic Islands, said that “The ‘CaixaBank Businesswoman Awards’, which celebrate their sixth edition this year, have been consolidated in recent years for their commitment to business excellence and the promotion of equal opportunities and diversity, fundamental pillars for the entity. As every year, we are proud to recognize the professional career and leadership skills of women leaders in our islands.”  

A professional career dedicated to the tourism industry 

Encarna Piñero has been working for 27 years in different executive functions in the different divisions that make up Grupo Piñero, which has allowed her to acquire a global vision of the company. The multinational currently has a team of 14,000 professionals and structures its activity in three business units that include 27 hotel establishments, residential complexes, golf courses, tour operator and incoming activities, multiple destination services, as well as a strong commitment to sustainable mobility. All this allows the group to expand its activity beyond the tourism sector, maximizing synergies between its companies and guaranteeing consistency in the quality and innovation of its products and services.

In her professional career she has been involved in other tourism projects and is currently president of Inverotel, and advisor for the Balearic Islands of the Association for the Advancement of Management (APD).

‘CaixaBank Businesswoman Awards 2022′

As a regional winner, Encarna Piñero will be part of the new ‘CaixaBank Businesswoman Community’, a virtual community operating through a private space on LinkedIn, which is configured as a platform for sharing knowledge, ideas and experiences, and a meeting point to establish professional links between the group of awarded female executives.

The Community, which already has more than 60 members, also offers access to exclusive experiences, such as forums, debates, conferences and national and international events, with the aim of contributing to the development and leadership of women in business.

After the territorial phase, the awards jury, made up of a group of CaixaBank executives and managers, will choose the national winner, who will be one of the Spanish representatives at the international IWEC awards.