Hotel occupancy, the increase in the floating population and the complementary offer give a positive tourist balance in all the islands during the Easter holidays

Easter marks the start of the tourist season. So far, the balance of Easter on Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera has been positive, in some cases exceeding expectations.

Good occupancy figures

In Mallorca, specifically in Playa de Palma, the spring weather has helped hotel bookings and occupancy. In fact, the hotel association in the area was forecasting an average occupancy rate of almost 80%, a figure exceeded by some hotels, which are already almost 100% full.

ibiza Vila

Image of Vila, Ibiza.

Hoteliers explain that, since the pandemic, the predominant reservations are last-minute bookings. The main outbound market is German, followed by Spanish, French and British. In this area of Palma, the hotel plant is expected to be fully operational at the beginning of May.

Likewise, the Playa de Palma hotel association is “satisfied and optimistic” about this year’s tourist season.

Menorca and Ibiza

The restaurant associations are fairly positive about the results in Menorca after the Easter holidays. The perception is that the premises have been filled with both locals and visitors to the island.

The restaurateurs say that the weather has been very favourable. Also the connections to the airport; during the Easter holidays there have been 800 flights operating at Menorca’s airports. This airport activity has facilitated the arrival of national and foreign tourists, especially English and French.

As for the shops, it is true that perceptions vary from one business to another. While some say that they have had to reinforce their staff to respond to the increase in tourist demand during these days, there are also those who say that this year has been a little lower, because Easter has been brought forward. However, all agree that the influx of tourists has been constant.

On the Ibizan terraces, the summer atmosphere has prevailed throughout Easter Week. In Ibiza there are also good prospects for the upcoming tourist season, as well as satisfaction in the tourism sector. Thus, many businesses have brought forward their opening dates, a fact favoured by the good weather. The beaches have remained full of bathers, with mainly family tourism.