The mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez Llabrés, accompanied by the bishop of Mallorca, Monsignor Sebastià Taltavull, and the dean of the Cathedral, D. Teodoro Suau, has attended this Thursday the commissioning of the new exterior lighting of the Cathedral, which has been replaced entirely by LED technology.

The lighting project at La Seu involved an investment of 2,231,699 euros, of which 1,299,999 were contributed by the municipality and the rest came from funds from the improvement of the contract for the maintenance and conservation of Palma’s exterior lighting. The work consisted of replacing the eight streetlights on the perimeter with others that incorporate specific projectors for illuminating façades. Likewise, 505 projectors have been installed in different locations, of which 298 are embedded in the pavement surrounding the Cathedral and the Almudaina. The rest of the projectors, a total of 207, have been placed on terraces, patios, flying buttresses, roofs and in Ses Voltes and Dalt Murada.

The incorporation of LED technology in the Cathedral’s surroundings makes it possible to generate lighting that enhances the architectural elements of the temple and more faithfully reproduces the original colour of the stone. It is worth noting that despite the increase in the number of light points, the power installed has gone from 87 to 52 kilowatts, which means a saving in consumption of around 40%. The project has also responded to the request from residents and associations that both the area around the Cathedral and the façade of La Almudaina should have the same lighting.