FIET 2023, one of the most important children’s and youth theatre fairs in Spain, returns to Mallorca from 19 to 24 October. The Children’s and Youth Theatre Fair of the Balearic Islands, held in Vilafranca, is a benchmark for the performing arts for children and young people. Organised by the non-profit organisation Sa Xerxa, it will once again turn the municipality into a stage where you can enjoy the best shows for family and young audiences. In addition to 200 performing arts professionals, FIET 2023 is expected to attract around 20,000 spectators. Or even exceed it, after having won the National Performing Arts Award for Children and Young People in 2022. Mallorca Global Mag talked to Jaume Gomila, from Sa Xerxa, after achieving this great recognition in this other article.

FIET Mallorca 2023 Programme

The programme of FIET 2023 in Mallorca includes a multitude of theatrical performances for family audiences. The venues where the fair will take place are:

  • Escoleta Es Cucarells.
  • Poliesportiu.
  • CASAL.
  • Restaurant Estanc Vell.
  • Plaça Major.
  • Escola Es Cremat.
  • Espai Melchor Mascaró.
  • Plaça dels Centenaris.
  • Capella Monges.
  • Escola Es Cremat.
  • Espai Mallorca Verda.
  • Plaça Sant Joan.
  • Carrer dels Rocabertí.
  • L’escenari Verd.
  • Parc Josep Maria Llompart.
  • Sa Residència.
  • Església.
  • Parc Pere Fons.
  • Teatre.

💡 You can consult the full programme of FIET 2023 here.

FIET 2023 programa

In addition to the programme open to the general public, FIET has other parallel activities. Among them, school sessions for schools and institutes from all over Mallorca; professional conferences on the performing arts sector; a day for librarians; recreational activities…