The Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB) has re-elected Carmen Planas as president during the 2022 Electoral Assembly that took place at the Hotel Barceló Occidental Playa de Palma.

Planas will continue for the next 4 years at the head of the employers’ association that represents more than 90 associations in the Balearic community with the primary objective of “growing by doing things better, with greater efficiency, through energy, technology and innovation” .

The businesswoman from the health sector, supported at her inauguration by the vice president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and president of the National Federation of Self-Employed Workers Associations (ATA), Lorenzo Amor, as well as the main representatives of associations of the sector in the Balearic Islands, faces her third term as president of CAEB “positive”. “We businessmen have pulled and will continue to pull our economy, hand in hand with our workers, looking to the future with half full.”

A task that, as he pointed out during his speech, “I undertake with the firm intention of strengthening the economy of these Islands and turning it into a benchmark for economic, social and environmental well-being” and for this “my team and I will continue to work hard and tirelessly for all companies in the Balearic Islands”.

In her first words as re-elected president, she had a special memory for the population of Ukraine “who suffers from the injustice of an invasion that nobody expected and that nobody understands”, as well as the consequences of “an incomprehensible war within Europe”. Consequences that, “without forgetting for a second the humanitarian drama that is and should be the first of our concerns”, will also affect our economy “as we are already seeing it”, she highlighted.

On the other hand, Carmen Planas has reviewed the 8 years at the head of CAEB “during which I have learned a lot from each and every one” of the businessmen who have accompanied her and “I have tried to represent you in the best way, being your voice, not only before the regional and local administration, but also in Madrid defending the interests of the Balearic Islands before the central government”.

business consensus

On the other hand, she has assured that CAEB will continue with the work of transforming the employers’ association based on modernization, the promotion of its own projects, as well as the business consensus, the latter being something essential because, as she herself has said , “united we are stronger and stronger”.

Regarding her lines of work, the president has affirmed that CAEB will continue with its work of influencing the Administrations, representing the associates with their own voice and being a benchmark of opinion, information and knowledge.

The Government delegate, Aina Calvo, together with the president of the CAEB, Carmen Planas. Photo: CAEB.