On November 18 and 19 comes the XXVIII edition of the Trobada de Xeremiers and the Fira de Lutiers in sa Pobla. This is the traditional meeting of ‘colles’ of ‘xeremiers’, ‘fabiolers’, ‘tamborers’, manufacturers and artisan builders of musical instruments that will take place this weekend.

The XXVIII Trobada de Xeremiers i Fira de Lutiers en sa Pobla are dates to vindicate the folkloric and popular imaginary of Mallorca.

Program of the la XXVIII Trobada de Xeremiers i Fira de Lutiers en sa Pobla

On Saturday, November 18, Christian Di Fiore will perform in concert. This is considered one of the virtuosos of the Italian zampogna. The instrument is a picturesque Italian bagpipe with double chanter used in the folk music of southern Italy, in regions such as Sicily, Abruzzo, Calabria, Basilicata or Campania. This type of bagpipe is characterized by its large size and prevailing sound of noisy drones.

The concert will be at 10 pm in Sa Congregació. The ticket price is 13 euros at ticketib.com.

One day later, on Sunday, November 19 will be held, as is tradition, the Trobada de Xeremiers i Fira de Lutiers in the Plaça Major de sa Pobla from 9 am. There will congregate and play ‘xeremiers’ from all over Mallorca and also from abroad. At the fair there will be stalls of sample and sale of the manufacturers and artisan builders of musical instruments.

The day will continue at noon with a brotherhood lunch ‘xeremiera’ in the restaurant Esportiu – Mel d’abella (C / Fradins, 61) from 14 hours, with prior registration on this form.

In addition, the municipality will host this weekend, specifically on Saturday 18, the XXVI Trobada de Gegants and the 39th anniversary of the Gegants de sa Pobla. The plantada of the participating ‘colles’ will be at 4 pm at l’Escola Graduada and then there will be a parade to the Plaça Major

trobada de gegants sa pobla