Workers’ representatives will call a strike at the airline on 29, 30 and 31 December and 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 January. This has been announced by the trade unions UGT and Comisiones Obreras with the aim of achieving the autohandling of the company.
UGT and CCOO have announced that they will call a strike at Iberia on 29, 30 and 31 December and 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 January in the face of the company’s refusal to create an autohandling, a strike call that the airline considers “irresponsible”. In an internal communiqué to which the Europa Press agency has had access, the unions inform of different meetings with Iberia and IAG in which the company has not accepted to create an autohandling that would provide service to the airlines of the group. Thus, they have decided to call this strike for the Christmas season, which will be registered in the next few hours and announced in a joint communiqué.
For its part, the company has issued a statement in which it shows “its enormous disappointment” at this “irresponsible call”, as it claims to have been in constant contact with the social partners since the Aena handling tender was resolved, on 26 September, to “satisfy the main concerns of its workers”.
Iberia also considers that a strike called at this time of year “irreparably damages the right to holidays and the reunification of families and friends” in an “irresponsible and senseless” way.

Imagen del aeropuerto de Son Sant Joan.
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