The discounts offered by the Teatre Principal reach 40% through three season tickets – Extra, Pareja and General – with discounts of up to 40% for the new 2023/2024 season and free access for one year to the digital platform ‘Principal a la carta’

For the new 2023/24 season, and with the aim of bringing the programme closer to the whole of society, Palma’s Teatre Principal has just put three season tickets on sale (Extra, General and Pareja) that offer discounts of up to 40% off the price of the tickets. In addition, all season tickets include free access for one year to the digital content platform ‘Principal a la carta’, with new titles such as the opera L’Orfeo, the play Les Maleïdes and the concert by Lava Fizz.

The season tickets allow spectators to get the best price and the best seats for the next season. From September 2023 to January 2024, the Principal has programmed some fifty titles, including plays, concerts, dance shows, family events…

Teatre Principal Extra, General and Couple Season Tickets

The Extra season ticket entails a 40% discount for the purchase of 5 or more shows from the programme.Teatre Principal

The General season ticket gives a 25% discount on the price of tickets for 3 or 4 shows, and the Pareja season ticket also gives a 25% discount, in this case for the purchase of 2 tickets to 2 or more shows in the programme.

All season tickets can be purchased at the theatre box office or on the website, and come with a free year’s subscription to the platform. In this digital content platform you can see more than 50 shows that have played at the Principal in recent years.

As a novelty, the Principal a la carte has 7 new titles since this week: the concert of Lava Fizz, the opera L’Orfeo by Monteverdi, and the plays Les Maleïdes by Sergio Baos; La Fundació, by Salvador Oliva; Laberint Striptease by Roberto G. Alonso; Bad moon, by Héctor Seoane, and Imaginaris monstruosos, by La Lioparda.