Slight drop in temperatures in Mallorca with a drop in the thermometer to a maximum of 35ºC but, from the weekend onwards, they will rise again and will be close to 40ºC, leading to new episodes of intense heat

After a week of suffocating heat in Mallorca, the thermometers are giving a small respite for a few days. The maximum temperatures will go from between 37ºC and 39ºC these days to stay close to 34ºC or 35ºC. For the time being, the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) does not foresee any warnings for high temperatures. However, the respite given by the temperatures will be brief: from tomorrow, Friday, and at least until the beginning of next week, the mercury will be close to 40ºC again.

ola de calor Mallorca

The thermometers drop to 34ºC or 35ºC today, according to the spokesman for the Aemet in the Balearic Islands, Miquel Gili, due to the fact that the mass of warm air coming from Africa is losing strength due to the north wind that is entering the island. However, from Friday, and especially on Saturday, the temperatures will rise again.The Aemete forecasts indicate that on Monday or Tuesday of next week, highs of 40ºC could be reached again.
In the three weeks of summer so far, two records have already been set: this Tuesday, 11th July, was the hottest day of the year in Mallorca, with up to 42ºC in Muro, 41ºC in Sa Pobla and 40ºC in Binissalem and Colònia de Sant Pere.The hottest night of the year, and one of the hottest on the island since records have been kept, was experienced in the early hours of Tuesday to Wednesday in Binissalem, with temperatures that did not drop below 37ºC.

Places of rest to alleviate the high temperatures

Starting next Monday, 17th July, the Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) union will open its headquarters in Palma so that workers who do their work on the streets, such as street cleaning, parking control or riders, among others, will have a place to rest, with fresh water and a bathroom. In Palma, the premises at Carrer Francesc de Borja Moll, 3 will be set up and will be open until 15th September from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, and from 9am to 2pm on Fridays.