The Medical-Surgical Day Hospital will have seven patient care posts and five double rooms with the function of treatment rooms. According to the Govern, it will increase the care capacity by 32%.

In 2021, the refurbishment of hospitalisation module 1C of Son Llàtzer Hospital was launched to improve and expand outpatient services. This initiative, which was completed in the last quarter of 2023 with the extension of the Medical-Surgical Day Hospital, has completely transformed the existing facilities to adapt them to the needs of the Hospital’s patients.

This project has converted the nineteen rooms available on the hospitalisation floor into various specialised units; eight medical consulting rooms, which are now fully operational; two rooms for major outpatient surgery and the Medical-Surgical Day Hospital, with seven patient care stations and five double rooms with the function of treatment rooms.

Increase in treatments

The expansion responds to the steady growth in outpatient activity, with a notable increase of 8% by 2023. This increase has challenged existing capacity and highlighted the need for clearer differentiation in the care of patients with diverse clinical profiles.

The main objectives of the expansion of the medical-surgical day hospital are to separate the care of oncohaematology patients from other patients and to improve accessibility by increasing the total number of places. The separation of these groups will make it possible to offer more specialised and efficient care.

32% increase in throughput

The Oncohaematology Day Hospital, which is located on the first floor, is currently equipped with sixteen beds and twelve seats, giving it a total capacity to care for twenty-eight patients simultaneously.

The extension of the Medical-Surgical Day Hospital will allow a total of forty-seven patients to be seen simultaneously, which represents a 32% increase in capacity. This will facilitate better management of internal flows to reduce logistical delays and guarantee more agile and specific care for each clinical profile.