As expected, the abstention of Vox has served to invest as president of the Govern by simple majority to the popular candidate, Marga Prohens, in a session with this single point that has been held at 18h in the Balearic Parliament

Fulfilled the period of 48 hours since the first vote, the deputies have voted again to give their confidence to Marga Prohens as president of the Balearic Islands. The third and last day of investiture has been held in which, as expected, the leader of the Popular Party has obtained a simple majority to be elected with 26 votes in favor, those of the PP and Sa Unió de Formentera, and 25 against from the left (PSIB, Més per Mallorca, Més per Menorca and Unidas Podemos) but with the abstention of the eight seats of Vox, party with which has signed a government agreement. Once the vote is passed, tomorrow Friday Prohens will take office in Sa Llotja. On Monday the new executive is expected to be presented.

PP-Vox pact in the Consell de Menorca

After the pact signed this week in the Consell de Mallorca, yesterday it was announced that PP and Vox signed the pact for the investiture of Dolfo Vilafranca as president of the Consell de Menorca. The agreement includes 30 measures and Vox will take over the Ministry of Housing, Employment, Innovation and Urban Agenda through Maite de Medrano.

The investiture plenary session that is to confer the presidency of the Consell de Menorca to Dolfo Vilafranca will be held on Saturday at noon.

The campaign for the general elections on 23 July begins

armengol psib

Francina Armengol is the PSIB candidate for Congress. Photo: PSIB.

This afternoon the parties will carry out the traditional poster-hoisting for a campaign that will begin at midnight tonight until two days before the early general elections on 23 July.

In this sense, the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) has published a preview of the results in which it gives a technical tie in seats between the PP and the PSIB, which would get between 2 and 3 seats each. Sumar gets two deputies and Vox gets one representative.

The advance of the CIS results would confirm that José Vicente Marí and Sandra Martínez (PP) would have seats in Congress, and leaves the door open for the Menorcan Joan Mesquida to also enter.

In the case of the PSIB, if the CIS forecasts are fulfilled, the entry of Francina Armengol and the Menorcan Josep Mercadal would be guaranteed, but for now it has not been confirmed that Milena Herrera, from Eivissa, will win one of the seats in play in the Congress of Deputies. The CIS predicts that Sumar Més, the coalition formed in the islands by Yolanda Díaz’s party and that of Lluís Apesteguia, would win two seats out of the eight at stake. This result would make the Balearic Islands one of the autonomous communities where this coalition, which also includes Podemos, would obtain the best result. It would mean that the coalition would maintain the two seats that Podemos won four years ago, which in this case would be held by Vicenç Vidal and Elisabeth Ripoll.

As for Vox, according to the CIS, Jorge Campos would have a guaranteed presence in Congress, as Santiago Abascal’s party would win one deputy. But it would lose one of the two seats it won in the 2019 elections. The result then was two deputies for the PP, two for the PSIB, another two for Vox and two more for Podemos. The Balearic Islands elects eight of the 350 representatives in the Congress of Deputies.