Next Friday 18th August the Nitx de l’Art de Felanitx 2023 will be held. A new edition of the renowned cultural night of the municipality that will feature more than 200 artists. The event takes place in different public and private spaces in the town centre. In addition to the night of Friday the 18th, the exhibition can also be visited on the weekend of the 19th and 20th of August. This Nitx del Art de Felanitx will coincide with the start of the Sant Agustí festivities. This year’s opening speech will be given by the Felanitx journalist Carles Marín.

Nitx de l’Art Felanitx 2023 Programme

The night dedicated to art in 2023 is curated by Sebastià Mascaró. The programme will begin with one of the highlights of Nitx de l’Art 2023: the renowned artist Susy Gómez will perform a performance called Breacking the Spell, based on the Felanitx legend of the Fountain of Santa Margalida. The event will take place precisely in this space. In addition, as Mascaró explained, “it will feature the voice and contribution of the Manacor-born singer Joana Gomila”.

The Nitx de l’Art de Felanitx includes a number of group exhibitions featuring international artists, painters, sculptors, etc. For them, this celebration is a reference to show their work in Mallorca. Musical performances, educational workshops and micro-theatre complete the offer of the Felanitx art night.

The presentation ceremony was attended by the Mayoress of Felanitx, Catalina Soler, the Councillor for Culture and Festivities, Marta Cano, the curator Sebastià Mascaró, the designer of the poster, Maggie Adrover de la Marmola Mans, the artist and gallery owner Jaume Prohens and Caterina Amengual as representative of the jury of the IX Certamen de Artes Plásticas.

More than 90 entries were received for the Plastic Arts Competition. The selected works and the winning one can be visited at the Casa de Cultura on the three evenings dedicated to art, and there will also be guided tours, with prior registration, on 26th and 30th August. The prize will be presented by the artist and designer Miquel Adrover.

The mayoress of Felanitx, Catalina Soler, took advantage of the press conference to invite everyone to visit the town and get closer to art. “We are committed to a night of quality art, with local and foreign artists. What’s more, this year we have a luxury curator in Sebastià Mascaró and an eye-catching poster made by Maggie Adrover”. Soler adds that “Felanitx is culture, and a good example of this is that since Guillem Sagrera, and certainly before, we have had very good artists, and we must continue to support them”.

nitx del art felanitx 2023