The Marxa des Güell a Lluc a Peu 2023 will take place on the 5th of August. This year’s edition, the 49th, was presented at the Centre Cultural Fundació Sa Nostra. It also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Grup Güell, the founders of the event. To warm up the engines, the organisers have opened the registration form for those who want to participate as volunteers in the march.

Marxa des Güell a Lluc a Peu 2023

This year’s Marxa des Güell a Lluc a Peu 2023 will start from Palma’s Plaça Güell, as is tradition. Coinciding with sunset, the participants will gather at this location with music and family shows. The start of the march will begin at 11 pm, and the following day, the 6th of August, it will return from Inca to Palma at around 5:30 am.

As a novelty, this year’s route has undergone a slight modification in the stretch that goes from Lloseta to Selva. Instead of going up the Binimar road, it will go up the Camí Vell de Selva. In addition, as this is the 50th anniversary of the Grup Güell, commemorative activities will be organised in September and October.

Advice for participants

It is recommended to follow a series of recommendations in order to enjoy a Marxa without setbacks.

One or two hours before the walk, lightly massage your feet with a moisturising cream or Vaseline.
A few minutes before setting off, stretch your legs.
Wear thick, flexible-soled trainers.
Wear light, cool clothing.
Carry a fanny pack or small backpack with at least 1 litre of water, 1 litre of isotonic drink, spare socks, fruit such as a banana, nuts, glucose and plasters.
Refill water at the refreshment areas. It is advisable to drink at least 1 litre of water every two hours of walking.
On arrival, it is advisable to lie down and keep your legs raised 30 or 40 centimetres off the ground for two minutes.

About the Marxa des Güell a Lluc a Peu

On 17 July 1974, a group of friends decided to set out on a journey from the now defunct Bar Güell to the Monastery of Lluc in order to express their gratitude to the Virgin venerated there. The reason for their thanks was that a little girl had survived an accident without injury. The following day, on 18 July 1974, the first walk from Güell to Lluc began, in which approximately thirty people took part.

Over the next five years, the walk was repeated with few changes in the number of participants, but in 1980, thanks to the sponsorship of Sa Nostra, and a wide media coverage, participation in the walk increased significantly. Since then, the number of participants has gradually increased every year, reaching 40,000 people today.

On 6 August 1993, the starting point, known as “kilometre zero”, was inaugurated in front of the old Bar Güell. At that time, the King and Queen of Spain were present at the event and were responsible for giving the signal for the start of the event.