Antonia Gil| Palma

The multifaceted Maika Makovski (Palma, 1983) began writing songs at the age of twelve. With eight albums under her belt, to interview her is to feel the emotion, sensitivity and Mediterranean depth of her songs, which pervade everything.

-At every concert, it seems you give everything on stage. How do you feel afterwards?

-Sometimes you feel empty and sometimes very full. It’s an abstract feeling. When you’ve given a lot without a sense of conscious control afterwards there’s a major hangover. Those days I need to stay alone  in the dressing room, and I find it very difficult to sleep.

-Does your latest work, a double single, follow on from the successful album ‘MKMK’ (2021)?

maika makovski

Promotional image of her latest work. Photo: Roberto Cimiano.

-Yes, it has that primitive, vital and strong energy of ‘MKMK’. That’s why it came out as a single, because I don’t know if the album is going to follow in the same vein, but I didn’t want to leave these songs out (‘Bunch of little burdens’ and ‘Si tú me quieres’). The big novelty is ‘Si tú me quieres’, which is my first song in Spanish. It’s funny because I wrote it for my partner, Ovidi Tormo, from
‘Los Zigarros’, but in the end I made it my own and, yes, I wanted him to sing it with me.

The idea is to record a new album at the beginning of 2024 and play in Mallorca

-When is your next album coming out?

-The idea is to record a new album at the beginning of 2024, if I feel I’m ready. I’m thinking of recording it in
Catalonia; I’ve spent many years there and I have more musician colleagues to ask to come to the studio to leave their mark. As soon as there is a new album, of course we are in Mallorca again.

In Portocristo I live very pleasant, quiet days, with the man I love and will love all my life

-What is a Maika Makovski day like in Portocristo, your home in Mallorca?

-They are very pleasant, quiet days, with the man I love and will love all my life (Ovidi Tormo) and my instruments, my notebooks and my pencils. It is the small world in which I feel I can best make myself great.

I’m a person of inertia but my profession doesn’t allow me to do so. When you’re getting into the rhythm of a place a trip comes along

-Would you like to spend more time on the island?

-Yes, I’m a person of inertia but my profession doesn’t allow me to do so. When you’re getting into the rhythm of a place, a concert, a promo, a trip comes along. But it’s also positive because I was a very shy person and music forced me to come out of my shell. I owe a large part of what I have and what I am to it

-What is there of Mallorca in your music?

-There is a serenity, deep down, even though my music is a sanguine music. In my lyrics, I don’t attack the world, it’s a desire to live in it, and I think that’s a very Mallorcan attitude.


Maika Makovski

Maika Makovski and Ovidi Tormo have recorded the video clip for ‘Si tú me quieres’ on the island. Photo: Roberto Cimiano.


💡 The interview with Maika Makovski, in the winter issue 2023 of Mallorca Global Mag.