Until last week, the requests for voting had exceeded the record figure of two million throughout Spain, according to the Central Independent Trade Union and Civil Servants (CSIF). In the Balearic Islands they have increased by 24% compared to the previous general elections. In view of the avalanche of applications, the postal vote can be cast until today, Friday at 2 p.m.

Once the vote has been requested, the voter has until today, Thursday 20 July, to deposit the documentation at any post office in Spain. At these offices, Correos workers will ask voters to identify themselves with their DNI or a similar document.

In the event that the person concerned has not been present at the indicated address when the Correos workers have tried to deliver the documentation in person, the vote will remain at the corresponding post office until today, 20 July.

The vote must be deposited during normal post office opening hours. However, Correos has extended the opening hours of thousands of its branches throughout Spain to speed up postal voting.

voto por correo

Delegating the postal vote

People who have requested a postal vote but are unable to go in person to the post office to cast it, can grant an authorisation for the delivery to be made by another person on their behalf. The authorisation must be signed by the voter and be accompanied by a photocopy of their national identity card, passport or other official identification document, as well as a photocopy of the identification document of the person they are authorising.

To facilitate the drafting of this authorisation document with all the necessary data, Correos recommends using the authorisation form that can be downloaded from the website.

Correos staff will not accept the delivery of electoral documentation belonging to another voter if it is not accompanied by the corresponding authorisation signed by the voter, which must be kept, together with a photocopy of the official document accrediting the voter and the person delivering the electoral documentation on their behalf, for submission to the corresponding Zonal Electoral Board (Junta Electoral de Zona).

Applications for postal vote in the Balearic Islands soar by 24%

According to the data provided by the Government Delegation they have received 36.545 requests which are 7.064 more than four years ago. The increase is 24% and represents 4.7% of the total. This percentage is below the Spanish average of 7%.

Four schools in Palma move the ballot boxes for 23J due to building works

With a view to the elections next Sunday, 23rd July, four polling stations in Palma have changed their usual location. Three of them are doing so because of the refurbishment work being carried out in the schools. In all the affected centres, informative signs have been installed to avoid confusion and to warn citizens of the new location of the building where they can cast their vote.

Thus, those who normally cast their vote at the Santa Magdalena Sofia school will have to do so on this occasion at Guillem Sagrera.

The polling stations at the Aina Moll Infant and Primary School, located in Plaça dels Patins, will be moved to Delegación de Hacienda.

Meanwhile, the ballot boxes at the CEIP Son Serra will be moved to the Son Serra – La Vileta Health Centre.

Finally, voters who usually go to the CEIP de S’Aranjassa will have to go to the Casal de Barri, by decision of the Electoral Board.

In order to avoid confusion, information signs have been installed in all of them to warn citizens of the new location of the building where they can cast their vote.

A total of 828,740 citizens of the Balearic Islands will be able to take part in the general elections on Sunday 23 July. The islands will elect eight deputies and five senators in this early election called by Sánchez, barely 24 hours after the results of 28 July were announced.