The Bus-VAO lane in Mallorca continues to generate a political war. The Consell de Mallorca assures, based on the report “Considerations on the implementation of the Bus-VAO on the MI-19 motorway”, prepared by the technicians of the Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures of the Consell de Mallorca, that the existing Bus-VAO lane is considered a specialised lane that cannot be installed on motorways or highways and is therefore illegal. This was explained by Fernando Rubio, Conseller de Territori, Mobilitat i Infraestructuras of the Consell.

Shortly after his statements, the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda itself reiterated that the Bus-VAO lane is legal and that, according to the regulations, what the Consell says does not follow at all.

However, the Consell held an extraordinary press conference to “affirm and reaffirm” its thesis. “We are here to fix a chaos, a work that does not conform to road regulations. And this is what the Consell’s technicians say, it is not the opinion of the Partido Popular”.

To this end, he again cited the section of the Ministry’s regulations that has created this confusion. This is the last paragraph of point 8.9.2 which states: “Bus-VAO lanes will generally be established on urban and peri-urban sections using a platform (newly created lane) located in the median of a motorway or more often of a dual carriageway or a lane specifically for such use. Usually, the reversible type (lane that opens by the hour) will be used”.

Fernando Rubio added that “we consider that, with the information available to us, it is more than urgent to initiate the procedures for the removal of the Bus-VAO lane, which we will do in the next few days by submitting the application to the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT)”.