The Conselleria de Salut i Consum has launched an online tool to streamline the follow-up of close contacts of positive COVID-19 cases. The councilor Patricia Gómez and the deputy director of Primary Care and Attention to Extra-hospital Urgencies, Marga Servera, have explained its purpose and how it works.
The new tool is operational in Mallorca and will shortly be extended to Menorca and Eivissa. The COVID-19 Coordination Center will directly notify each case of the positive result of the diagnostic test, and with the same message this person will receive the link to the tracking tool, which they have to forward to all their possible close contacts so that they can answer a question. questionnaire to determine if indeed they are.
If so, they will receive the appropriate indications and will be able to make an appointment for a diagnostic test. In this way, suspected cases will not have to wait for the Health Service to call them, which will save them the anguish of waiting.
As for the places where the diagnostic test can be done – at the moment only in Mallorca – are the following:
COVID-express of Son Dureta (Palma).
COVID-express of Manacor. COVID-express of Inca.
Santa Ponça Health Center (only Saturdays and Sundays).
Xaloc Health Center (Campos) (only Saturdays and Sundays).
Later, 5 more points will be added:
SUAP Graduate School (Palma).
SUAP s’Escorxador (Palma).
SUAP Spn Pisà (Palma).
SUAP Inca.
Sa Torre Health Center (Manacor).
It should be said that this questionnaire is aimed at people suspected of being close contact with COVID-19 without symptoms; If they have symptoms compatible with COVID-19, they have to call InfoCOVID (900 100 971) so that a health professional can evaluate their state of health so that they can receive the appropriate care. On the other hand, people who do not have the possibility to access the online questionnaire can call InfoCOVID for information.

The use of a mask is an effective measure to neutralize COVID-19. Photo: Pixabay.
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