The islands registered 31,615 unemployed in October, a figure that represents 9.41% less than in the same month of 2022. This is the result of the data published by the Government this Friday. Balearic Islands thus leads the state employment figures

In October, the Balearic Islands recorded an increase in employment of 4.61% and a decrease in unemployment of 9.41% compared to the same month last year. These figures are the best year-on-year figures in Spain.

October closed with 31,702 people registered on the Balearic Islands’ unemployment lists, 3,281 fewer unemployed than at the same time in 2022. Compared to September, there was an increase of 1,461 people registered on the unemployment lists.

cafetería paro

From September to October, the number of people affiliated to the Social Security in the Balearic Islands decreased by 5.40% and unemployment increased by 4.85%.


From the Federació de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Mallorca (PIMEM) its president Jordi Mora has assured that the data “are good”. Although he has regretted that the SMEs are affected by inflation and the rise of interest rates that make that “the profits have decreased in a worrying way”. For this reason, they assure that “we cannot celebrate these good data as we would like because unfortunately they hide this second reading that does not always come to light but that is there and worries us more and more every day”.

Despite highlighting the good employment figures, the president of the Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands (CAEB), Carmen Planas, warns that “the slowdown in several European economies, the serious geopolitical situation and announcements such as the reduction of the working day are damaging business confidence and hindering job creation”.