The general director of IB3, Andreu Manresa, has presented this Thursday his resignation to the Parliament as he considers that his “independence and dignity” is currently being questioned. Manresa has been at the head of the public broadcaster for the last eight years

The until now general director of IB3, Andreu Manresa, has recalled that IB3 is a public entity that has management autonomy and does not have to receive instructions or guidelines since “this is what the law says”. “It has the capacity to act with respect to the Govern and the administration without interference of ideological content,” he added. At this moment its “independence and dignity are questioned,” he lamented. “I believe that if they want to change the law, they should do so,” he said before recalling that his term of office ended in 2028. Andreu Manresa has made this announcement in his appearance this Thursday at the Control Commission on the Balearic Islands Broadcasting (IB3) in the Parliament.

Since his election by the Parliament in October 2015, the journalist has stressed that he has gone through a process of internalization “that will be part of the essence and the heart of the entity”. In addition, he has stressed that in these years the colleagues of the public radio and television have been “awarded on several occasions for programs and productions, and we have achieved an undisputed leadership of the news services.”

In a brief letter, the journalist took the opportunity to thank the Consell de Direcció for their “collaboration, trust and commitment to IB3. All this is essential to ensure a public and essential service of quality, autonomous, independent, responsible and free”.

Later, through his profile on the social network X, Manresa sent a farewell message to his colleagues and also to the public.