Workshops, screenings and debates, conferences, artistic spaces and demonstrations make up the programme from 17 November to 16 December for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25N in the Balearics. On this occasion, the institutions of the islands have joined forces in the fight against male violence and have jointly presented the events for this day.

From practical workshops that offer strategies to confront violence and contribute to a culture of respect; film screenings on gender violence and open debates on the same; conferences by experts on gender issues, activism and equality; artistic spaces where to create materials for dissemination and complaint to the calls for demonstrations of this 25N in the Balearic Islands make up the agenda for this 25N.

💡 All the activities programmed for 25N can be consulted at this link.

The Councillor for the Presidency of the Consell de Mallorca, Antoni Fuster, together with the Councillor for Families and Social Affairs of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Catalina Cirer; the Director of IBDONA, Catalina Salom, and the Councillor for Social Services, Education, Citizen Participation, Youth, Interculturality and Equality of Palma City Council, Lourdes Roca, presented the events for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25N that have been jointly organised by the institutions. For the first time, the administrations responsible for the management, care and prevention of violence against women have joined forces in a joint programme for the international day.


Photo: IBDONA.

Programme for 25N in the Balearics

These are the events organised for the 25th of November:

  • They will begin with the Mental Health and Women’s Day, to be held on 17 November in Manacor, where one of the resources offered by the Consell de Mallorca to care for victims of male violence will be on display: Casa Violeta. It is a pioneering centre in Spain and specialises in caring for women with serious mental health problems resulting from abuse. The 2nd Conference on Gender Violence and Mental Health will also be held in collaboration with the Consell de Mallorca. The programme can be consulted here.
  • On 18th November, from 10 a.m. onwards, the information day ‘Et feim costat contra la violència masclista’ will be held in Plaça d’Espanya, Sindicat street, Plaça Major and the Olivar and Pere Garau markets. Here you can consult the resources offered by the Ajuntament de Palma.
  • On 21st November, in the press room of the Cort building, the annual report on violence against women will be presented.

    25 N Mallorca


  • From 22 November to 16 December you can enjoy the exhibition ‘Mirada Creuada’ at the Centre Flassaders. In this link you can consult all the activities programmed for 25N. These include the night-time demonstration: “Els carrers són nostres” on 24 November and on 25 November the demonstration: “Aturem el terrorisme masclista”.
  • On 26th November the play ‘Ginoide’ will be performed at the Teatre Mar i Terra.
  • On the 31st of November, ‘Ginoide’ will move to the Teatre de Son Servera, and on the 3rd of December, to the Teatre Principal in Inca.
  • Also on the 30th of November, an inter-institutional conference will be held at the Centre Es Siurell in Marratxí, presented by the island’s Director of Families, Maria Garrido, who will talk about inter-institutional coordination for the eradication of male violence. In addition to the commemorative event to be held on 25th November at Can Balaguer in Palma at 12 noon.

For his part, the councillor of the Presidency announced that the Consell de Mallorca has also drawn up its own programme of activities related to 25N “which will soon be presented publicly, but we take this opportunity to announce that the central act of the Consell de Mallorca will be in memory of the victims of male violence, which will be held in Raixa on 24 November. There will also be training and awareness-raising activities throughout Mallorca, such as exhibitions, conferences, workshops, storytelling, theatre and debates”.