Toni Riera, Professor of Applied Economics and Director of the Impulsa Foundation, has long been warning about the need for a change in the economic model in the islands. This is one of the main reasons, besides his independent profile, why he has been chosen by Margalida Prohens, President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, to coordinate the Social and Political Pact for the Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability of the Balearic Islands.

Toni Riera, director técnico de la Fundación Impulsa.

Toni Riera, Technical Director of the Impulsa Foundation. Photo: F.I.

Prohens has described him as the ideal person to lead this ambitious initiative due to his extensive experience analyzing the economic model and the future challenges of the islands. Mallorca Global spoke with him to get his initial impressions of this complex challenge.


-What does it mean for you to be appointed as the coordinator of the Pact?

-The opportunity to continue building shared value in the service of the socio-economic progress of the Balearic Islands. Now, if possible, with more responsibility and commitment.


-Are we still in time to steer the course and reverse the situation or at least stabilize it?

-Yes, we are still in time to forge a strategic repositioning of the archipelago that will improve the quality of life and well-being of the citizens, meeting social needs.


-It seems that the initiative is off to a good start due to the warm reception from multiple sectors of Balearic society.

-We have reached a point where regional actors have a high degree of awareness of the challenges we face, both those coming from outside, such as climate change, and those arising from within, such as congestion, environmental pressure, and increasing social tension.


-Is consensus key to making this project successful?

-Only through the collaboration of all actors will it be possible to translate this high level of awareness into responsibility and action.