In a communiqué, the Bishopric recognizes the facts and censures “the extraordinary gravity of the behavior that the accused priest has acknowledged having maintained for years”. Thus the Diocese recognizes the sexual abuses that a Majorcan woman denounced to the Ecclesiastical Tribunal to have suffered for decades

sebastià taltavull

Sebastià Taltavull, Bishop of Mallorca. Photo: Bisbat de Mallorca.

The Bisbat of Mallorca has imposed on the diocesan priest denounced for sexual abuse together with two Jesuits the prohibition to celebrate mass in any place other than his home for three years. With the canonical administrative criminal procedure against the priest Julià Cifre completed, the Bishopric has issued the sanctioning decree that requires the priest to send a letter to the victim asking for forgiveness for all the pain caused.

According to the institution in a press release, the decree points out the “extraordinary gravity of the behavior that the accused priest has acknowledged having maintained for years, which has been proven in this criminal administrative procedure and that his improper conduct has caused physical and psychological damage to the victim”. Thus the Diocese recognizes the sexual abuses denounced by a Majorcan woman before the Ecclesiastical Tribunal for decades.

From now on, according to the orders of the Bishopric, the priest will have to lead a secluded life of “retreat, prayer and penance”. Nor will he be able to come into contact with the victim or her relatives.

For its part, the Bishopric of Mallorca has apologized to the victim and has expressed “its willingness to continue supporting and accompanying her in her therapeutic, spiritual and economic process”.
The Bishopric of Mallorca has reiterated its “resounding condemnation of any type of abuse and violence against people”, as well as its “firm intention to always seek the truth and cooperate with the judicial authorities”.