Today, Monday September 11, the new school year begins for 160,000 students in the islands with 156 modular classrooms spread throughout the archipelago, a dozen centers that are under construction and unfilled teaching positions

This school year starts today, Monday, September 11, with 1,700 more students than last September, reaching nearly 160,000 students. There will also be more teachers, with 19,000 teachers spread throughout the Balearic Islands. In this sense, the Minister of Education, Antoni Vera, acknowledged at a press conference to present these figures, that there is still a deficit of teachers, especially in the Pitiusas: “It is a serious problem,” he said.

Lack of teachers for the new school year

With the school year underway, there are still unfilled teaching positions; 67 in Eivissa, 13 in Formentera, 72 in Mallorca and 22 in Menorca. Vera has advanced that the Conselleria is working on the creation of a complement for the positions of difficult coverage similar to the one already made with the sanitary ones. The main reason is the housing problem that exists especially in Eivissa and Formentera.

The course also begins this Monday with a dozen centers that are under construction and 156 barracks scattered throughout the islands, four more than there were at the end of last year. In this sense, the Minister of Education has also recognized that there is a lack of investment in infrastructure, especially in Eivissa, and that new measures will be taken to alleviate this problem.

After the drop in the school population last year, this new school year will start on Monday with almost 1,700 more students. In addition, there is an increase in the number of teachers; 19,018 will start the school year.

More than 11,000 children in early childhood education, who this year will enjoy the free education at this stage, will also start the course. In order to guarantee this, the Government will invest 38 million euros.