Nit del Foc will be held tonight 23rd June, the ‘revetla’ of Sant Joan 2023, with a programme of activities that will start at 8:30 pm and will last past midnight with two main events: the ‘correfoc’ and the performance of O-Erra

The Parc de la Mar host the Sant Joan 2023 festival today Friday 23rd. The activities will kick off at 8.30 pm with a children’s ‘correfoc’ (fire run) by the children’s devils Enfocats, Kinfunfa and Petits Encabritats. This will be followed by the lighting of the ‘fogueró’ with the ‘flama de la llengua’ (flame of the language). Shortly afterwards, at 9 pm, it will be the turn of traditional music with ‘ball de bot’ and the performance of al-Mayurqa.

sant joan

Sant Joan 2023 Festival: programme

At 10 p.m., the proclamation will be read and an invitation to the party will be extended. At 10.30 p.m. it will be the turn of one of the highlights of the night with the ‘correfoc’ that will open the gates of hell to enjoy the ‘Revetla’ with the demons of the city. A total of seven ‘colles de dimonis’ (Enfocats, Realment Cremats, Kinfumfa, Maleïts Encabritats, Trabucats, Es Cau des Boc Negre and Incubus) and three fire beasts (Drac i Guardians de Sant Jordi, Òliba de la Real and es Drac de na Coca) will take part.

The music of O-Erra will bring the night to a close with a concert that will begin at approximately 11.45 pm.

This initiative has been organised by the Federació d’Associacions d’Associacions de Veïns de Palma with the support of the Ajuntament de Palma. The entire programme can be consulted on the municipal website.

The EMT extends and reinforces the bus service on the Nit de Sant Joan

Palma’s Municipal Transport Company (EMT) has set up a reinforced and extended service on the occasion of the Nit de Sant Joan (Saint John’s Night) to encourage public transport journeys to the beaches during the afternoon of Friday the 23rd of June and the early hours of the 24th. The L35 (Aquàrium-plaça de la Reina/Cathedral) and L25 (Arenal-Plaça de la Reina/Cathedral) lines will be reinforced with more vehicles and will be maintained with a 30-minute frequency, also during the early hours of the morning.
These two lines stop at Plaça d’Espanya, from where it will be possible to connect with the NitBus network, which will be fully operational.

The NitBus network is made up of four lines that provide service every Friday, Saturday and on public holidays between 11.30 p.m. and 6.30 a.m:

  • N1, which links Porta del Camp with Passeig Marítim.
  • N2, which runs from Can Blau to Can Valero and passes through neighbourhoods such as Soledat, Nou Llevant, S’Escorxador and Camp Redó.
  • N3, which links the Germans Escales sports centre area with La Indioteria. It passes through Rafal, Son Gotleu, Pere Garau, Plaça de Toros and Son Castelló. This line runs through the streets of Indalecio Prieto, Arquebisbe Aspàreg…
  • N4, from Son Bonet and runs along Aragón street passing through Mare de Déu de Lluc, Son Rul·lan, Son Canals and Hostalets to Plaça Progrés.

Protection of the sea turtle nest in Can Pere Antoni

The City Council has set up a protection device for the nest of Caretta caretta sea turtles, a species listed as vulnerable in the Spanish Catalogue of Threatened Species, which was found this week on the beach of Can Pere Antoni. As part of the police operation on this beach, there will be an agent on duty tonight to guard the nest and the entire area. There will also be an agent from the Department of the Environment. The council is appealing to the public’s responsibility to ensure its protection, bearing in mind that this is a nesting phenomenon that has never occurred before.

Safety measures for the ‘correfoc’

  • It is strictly forbidden to use private pyrotechnics, not controlled by the organisation.
  • A minimum distance of 2 m must be kept around the fire beasts.
  • Wear cotton clothing, long sleeves and long trousers, suitable footwear, a hat or scarf, ear plugs and glasses to protect the eyes.
  • Glasses and camera lenses can be damaged by fire.
  • No water may be poured on them.
  • Do not touch, pick up or handle pyrotechnic devices.
  • No smoking or lighting fires near the pyrotechnic containers.
  • The audience must stand at a safe distance to watch the performance. Children and people with reduced mobility should not be placed in the front rows.
  • You can dance with the demons, but always with a festive attitude.
  • The public who participate in the ‘correfoc’ are the first and only responsible for any accidents that may occur if they do not follow the recommendations and measures indicated.