The Government has published this Saturday the regulatory bases and the call for applications for rental aid 2023 in the Balearic Islands. The deadline for submitting applications in Palma, Mallorca and the rest of the archipelago starts on 15 November and ends on 15 December. This is the same period as last year’s call for applications. A measure that initially has a budget of 8.77 million euros.

The amount of the 2023 call for applications for rental aid in the Balearic Islands totals 8,774,766.38 euros. Of the total, 6,574,766.38 euros come from state funds through the State Housing Plan and 2,200,000 euros from the Autonomous Community’s own funds. The aid is aimed at people with limited economic resources and with monthly rents of up to 900 euros in their habitual residence. This is aid for rent paid during 2023 in the Balearic Islands.

Aid for rent: maximum 50%

The aid covers a maximum of 50% of the rent, with a limit of 3,000 euros per year per dwelling. The income limits established for eligibility are also maintained. As a general rule, the income of the family nucleus cannot exceed 24,318 euros per year, three times the Public Multiple Effect Income Indicator (IPREM).

This limit is increased in certain cases: up to 32,424 euros (four times the IPREM) in the case of a large family of general category, people with disabilities or victims of terrorism; and up to 40,530 euros (five times the IPREM) in the case of large families of special category or people with disabilities with a recognised degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.

The 2023 rental subsidies in Palma and throughout the Balearic Islands this year have a new website for the new call for applications: Here you will be able to consult information on the grants and, once the deadline opens, you will be able to apply online. This website will be operational from Monday 16 October. It will also be possible to make appointments in person to facilitate the presentation of applications for those who require support in the processing of applications.

Rental aid requirements in Palma and the Balearic Islands

ayudas alquiler 2023 baleares palma

The requirements to be eligible for aid are, among others:

  • To be the holder of a rental contract for a dwelling in the Balearic Islands with a minimum duration of one year.
  • The rented property must be the habitual and permanent residence of the applicant.
  • The maximum rent must be equal to or higher than 900 euros per month.
  • The holders of the contract must have Spanish nationality or legal residence.
  • Be up to date with the payment of rent at the time of application.
  • Comply with the maximum income requirements established.

This rental aid is not compatible with other aid for the payment of rent under the State Housing Plan 2022-2025. Nor with those which, for the same purpose, may be granted by the Autonomous Community, local authorities or any other Administration or public entity.

This incompatibility does not affect exceptional aid for victims of gender-based violence, victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, victims of sexual violence, persons vulnerable to eviction from their habitual residence, homeless persons and other particularly vulnerable persons, as well as persons receiving non-contributory social security benefits or beneficiaries of the minimum living income.