Marga Prohens will be president of the Balearic Government with a solo government. The agreement reached by PP and Vox this afternoon defines the entry of Santiago Abascal’s party in the Consell de Mallorca and Menorca, but not in the Balearic Government

marga prohens y vox parlament PP facebook

Image of Marga Prohens (PP) during the negotiations for her investiture with the representatives of Vox. Photo: PP.

According to a press release issued by the Partido Popular, the agreement reached this afternoon between PP and Vox includes 110 programmatic measures for a “change in the current policies, allowing to provide the islands with a stable government”. In this sense, PP assure that Vox commits itself to give stability to the new Government of Marga Prohens with the responsibility of not presenting in the whole legislature amendment to the totality to the Law of General Budgets of the Community. Also a commission of follow-up and evaluation will be created whose objective will be the control of the fulfillment of the programmatic agreement subscribed by both formations.

Basically, the PP details that the programmatic document develops the five basic lines agreed by both formations on June 19, 2023. The objective: “to preserve freedom, economic development, improvements in social services and public health, the protection of women and the security of the citizens of the Balearic Islands”.

Consells de Mallorca and Menorca

On the other hand, the leaderships of the Popular Party of Mallorca and the Popular Party of Menorca have respectively reached an agreement by which Vox will support the investiture of Llorenç Galmés as president of the Consell de Mallorca and Dolfo Vilafranca as president of the Consell de Menorca, respectively, incorporating this formation in the insular governments. Vox will also be integrated in the governments of the town councils of Calvià, Llucmajor, Alcúdia and Marratxí.

Additionally, the press release ends thanking Vox for its predisposition from the first moment to reach an agreement that respects the mandate of the citizens in the ballot boxes and the will for change expressed in the Balearic Islands.

101 programmatic measures

Among the different measures agreed between PP and Vox, one of the key points of the agreement establishes that parents will be able to freely choose the school centre, as well as the first language of schooling. And the requirement of Catalan in healthcare will be eliminated.

On tourism, the hotel moratorium will be eliminated, the fight against “tourism phobia” will be fought, and cruise ship tourism will be defended. They also include measures to promote housing and the creation of an Office for the Defence of Victims of Squatting. PP and Vox point to the attack on squatting, including it “as a serious offence in the new Housing Law”. In addition, “an immediate shock plan against illegal immigration and growing insecurity” will be approved. Another of the commitments is to repeal the Law of Democratic Memory. It also demands the repeal of the Transgender Law and the Law of the Solo Sí es Sí.

It calls for lower taxes and support for the family. The agreement promises to eliminate “within the first 100 days of the legislature, the Inheritance and Gift Tax for all inheritances between parents and children”. And to guarantee the fulfilment of all these points, a Monitoring Commission will be created that will meet every two months to evaluate the degree of fulfilment and execution of each of the agreed measures, and will review the legislative actions planned by the Govern.