Local and regional taxes can be paid via Bizum from Monday 21 August on the website of the Balearic Islands Tax Agency (www.atib.es). This has been reported by the Government, which recalls that this new possibility of payment of taxes applies when the amount is less than 1,500 euros. This form of payment is in addition to those already in force by telematic means, through the electronic banking of the collaborating entities or by bank card.

In the case of Bizum, once this option has been chosen, the taxpayer who is registered with their bank will enter their mobile phone number, and the bank’s payment gateway will open to accept and authorise it. Once this has been done, the corresponding receipt can be accessed and downloaded.

87% of cases

With regard to regional taxes, a total of 580,123 forms were generated through the ATIB web portal in 2022, of which 499,809 were for an amount of less than 1,500 euros (86%). In 2023, since 1 January, 348,088 forms have been produced, of which 303,139 were for an amount of less than 1,500 euros (87%).

For example, with regard to the tax corresponding to the transfer of vehicles and other means of transport, 57,748 self-assessments of less than 1,500 euros were paid in 2022 and, since 1 January 2023, 35,881. In 2022, 246,493 regional taxes of the ministries and bodies of the Administration of the Balearic Islands were paid in 2022, and from 1 January 2023, 148,970.

With regard to taxes and other municipal resources, the collection of which corresponds to the ATIB, a total of approximately two million receipts could be paid by Bizum.

Payment by Bizum is currently implemented for mobile devices, to pay through the ATIB application (available on the official download platforms App Store and Google Play for devices using the IOS and Android operating systems, respectively) only local taxes and regional taxes of all the ministries. Now, all the regional taxes have been added, such as the transfer of vehicles and the eco-tax in the case of holiday homes.