Until last September, the Balearic Islands accumulated the highest tourist expenditure in its history. Tourists spent 15,259 million euros in the first nine months of the year, as shown by the Tourism Expenditure Survey (Egatur) released today by the National Statistics Institute (INE) and Ibestat.

Moreover, according to this survey and the Ibestat data, which add the variable of the national tourist, the average expenditure per visitor up to September was 1,041 euros, 3.1% above the data for 2019 (1,010 euros). And the average daily expenditure per tourist – both national and international – also stands at its highest level, 161.5 euros, 5.7% above that recorded in 2019 also in September.

According to Egatur, the Balearic Islands accumulated in the first nine months of this year an expenditure of 13,395 million euros by international tourists during their holidays in the archipelago, to which must be added the 1,864 million disbursed by domestic tourists. This total figure represents 7.05% more than in 2019, despite the fact that the number of arrivals is still below that of that year (-1.15%). In the month of September alone, total expenditure was 2,377.5 million euros.

In terms of arrivals, for the sixth consecutive month the islands have recovered 100% of the tourism lost during the pandemic caused by COVID-19, achieving an increase in profitability thanks to higher spending by visitors. Thus, the Balearic Islands closed September with a total of 2.28 million tourists, both national and international, as shown by the Border Tourism Movement Survey (FRONTUR).

According to these data, the islands have been able to recover the figures of September 2019, before the pandemic, while in the annual accumulated, they closed the ninth month of the year with 14.35 million tourists in total, which means having recovered 98.85% of the 14.5 million that arrived in the same period of 2019.

Of the total of 2.28 million tourists, the number of nationals arriving in the Islands during the fifth month of the year was 385,086 (+29%), while the number of foreign travellers was 1.89 million, representing a decrease of 5% compared to those who arrived in the same month of 2019 (2 million).
In April, the archipelago accounted for 24.3% of the total number of international visits registered in the country as a whole, and the German market was the best performer in the Balearic Islands this month.