A total of 828,740 citizens of the Balearic Islands will be able to participate today, Sunday 23 July, in the general elections called by the current Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez. The islands will elect eight members of parliament and 5 senators in this early election called by Sánchez, barely 24 hours after the results of 28 July were announced

In the Balearic Islands, from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m., 828,740 citizens will be able to participate in the general elections today, Sunday 23 July. Of the total number of voters on the islands, 795,949 are Spanish and 32,791 are foreigners, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE). In Spain as a whole, a total of 37,466,432 voters are called to vote in the general elections, of whom 1,639,179 will be able to do so for the first time in these elections because they have turned 18 years old since the previous election, in November 2019. In addition, 2,325,310 voters reside abroad, according to INE figures.


catedral palma mallorca turismoFollowing the Socialist Party’s setback in the regional and municipal elections of 28 May, Pedro Sánchez announced these early general elections for 23 July. He did so barely 24 hours after the results of the 28 May elections were known, thus bringing forward the end of the 14th Legislature, the first left-wing coalition government in democracy.

Elections in the Balearic Islands

Today the citizens of the Balearic Islands are electing eight MPs. Among these, the PP list is headed by José Vicente Marí Bosó (Rafelbunyol, Valencia, 1970): he is the Partido Popular candidate with experience in Congress and the Senate. For Vox, Jorge Campos, who graduated in Law at the UIB in 1998 and has a Master’s degree in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development from the University of Valencia. Francina Armengol (Inca, 1971), for the PSIB, has been the first woman president of the Balearic Islands for eight years. She studied Pharmacy at the University of Barcelona, and later took a postgraduate course in Dermopharmacy and studied Law at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia). For Sumar MÉS, endorsed by Yolanda Díaz, Vicenç Vidal Matas (Esporles, 1980), until now senator for the Balearic Islands, holds a degree in Environmental Sciences (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2003).
Five senators will also be elected (three for Mallorca, one for Menorca and one for Ibiza-Formentera).

The results of these elections will decide the presidency of the Spanish government, which could continue in the hands of Pedro Sánchez, candidate of the PSOE; or be held by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of the PP; Yolanda Díaz, head of the list of Sumar, or Santiago Abascal, candidate of Vox, and the possibility of different coalitions.