The Protected Geographical Indication Ametlla de Mallorca is holding the first edition of its Fira de Nadal (Christmas Fair) on Saturday 16th December. This typical product of Mallorcan gastronomy will be the star of a day in the Passeig del Born where it can be tasted accompanied by other typical Christmas dishes.

Between midday and 8 pm Palma’s Passeig del Born will host the I Fira de Nadal de l’Ametlla de Mallorca (1st Christmas Fair of l’Ametlla de Mallorca). It will feature the participation of companies and confectioners who work with this product that is a benchmark in Mallorcan gastronomy and one of the undisputed stars of Christmas cuisine in Mallorca.

Programme of the Fira de Nadal de l’Ametlla de Mallorca

Different stalls will occupy Palma’s Passeig del Born from 12 noon onwards to be visited by all those who come to the fair in the capital of Palma.

At 5 pm there will be a ‘showcooking’ of products made with Mallorcan almonds and other typical Christmas foods. The island’s participating companies include Almendras Capó, Ametlla+, Bessó de Mallorca, Camp Mallorquí, Fet a Sóller, Galletes Gelabert and La Menorquina.

At the Fira, which has the support of the Consell de Mallorca and the collaboration of the Ajuntament de Palma through Palma Activa, the Regulatory Council of the Protected Geographical Indication will offer a tasting of Mallorcan almonds. It will also be on sale along with other food products at each of the stands of the associated companies.

The Ametlla de Mallorca Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) is the brand or seal that guarantees the link between the almond and its origin and quality, with certain characteristics of moisture, size and flavour. It can be sold in both conventional and organic varieties, raw or roasted and with or without skin in both cases. The Ametlla de Mallorca is distinguished from the rest because it has a slightly sweet taste and a greater unctuousness due to its high fatty acid profile, which between oleic and linoleic acids accounts for 88 percent of the almond’s lipid content. The latter is 59 percent of the fruit’s total, which is also above average. The PGI currently covers 295 farmers, with a total of 4,000 hectares of cultivated land on the island, and a total of 11 industries.


Fira de Nadal de l'Ametlla de Mallorca

Fira de Nadal de l’Ametlla de Mallorca