In the last quarter of the year there were 24,100 fewer unemployed people than in 2021 and 33,800 more employed people

The Balearic Islands is the region where unemployment fell the most and employment grew from one year to another in the last quarter, according to the Labour Force Survey (EPA), published today by the INE. From September to December, 69,900 people were unemployed in the archipelago, almost 26% less than in the same period last year. In addition, employment in these months increased by 6.3 % (33,800 new workers), reaching 570,800 employed.

However, the end of the season leaves worse data in the quarter-on-quarter comparison. The Balearic Islands was the region with the highest unemployment and the greatest fall in employment if we compare the figures for July, August and September with those compiled for October, November and December. Unemployed increased by 74 % (29,700 more) and 83,300 people lost their jobs.