Just three weeks before the start of a new school year, next September 11, this 2023 the price increase will make Balearic families also suffer when it comes to preparing ‘back to school’. On average, they will spend between 165 and 345 euros, 4% more than in 2022

The return to school is just around the corner and with this Balearic families are preparing to face the costs of school supplies. With only three weeks left until ‘back to school’, the most foresighted have already begun to buy school supplies and textbooks, so as not to encounter stock shortages and last minute surprises.

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This year, the rise in prices that families and consumers have seen reflected in their pockets will also affect school supplies.

The increase in prices, mainly of raw materials, has made family spending more expensive this year by around 4%, compared to previous years.

On school supplies alone, families will spend an average of 45 euros per child, while textbooks will cost between 120 and 300 euros. In addition to this compulsory expenditure, there are other costs such as school fees and tuition, which further increases the economic resources allocated to the new school year.